import time import os import subprocess duration = 10 * 6000 # 总持续时间,单位为秒 interval = 1 # 循环间隔,单位为秒 iterations = duration // interval # 循环次数 server_status_fd_path = "/Users/erwin/SERVER_STATUS_FD" if not os.path.exists(server_status_fd_path): try: with open(server_status_fd_path, "w") as f: print("文件已创建") f.close() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) try:"kill -2 59638", shell=True) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) # 循环执行 for i in range(iterations): time.sleep(interval) print("执行代码,当前循环次数:", i + 1) try: with open(server_status_fd_path, "r") as f: var ="\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "") if var == "STOP" or var == "":"nohup /Users/erwin/wishpalv2/service/app/mix/cmd_local/cmd_local &", shell=True) f.close() break f.close() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) # time.sleep(interval) # 等待指定的间隔时间