292 lines
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292 lines
11 KiB
import pymongo
from lib.csv import Csv
from lib.util import *
from pymongo import ReturnDocument
class MongoDB:
def __init__(self, host='', port=27017, db='test', collection='test', user=None, password=None):
""" 初始化MongoDB数据库和表的信息并连接数据库
:param host: 数据库实例ip
:param port: 数据库实例端口
:param db: 数据库名
:param collection: 表名
:param user: 用户名
:param password: 密码
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=self.host, port=self.port)
if (user is not None and user != '') and (password is not None and password != ''):
self.db = self.client.admin
self.db.authenticate(user, password)
self.db = self.client[db] # 数据库
self.collection = self.db[collection] # 表
if db not in self.client.list_database_names():
if collection not in self.db.list_collection_names():
def __str__(self):
db = self.db._Database__name
collection = self.collection._Collection__name
num = self.collection.find().count()
return "host: {}, port: {}\n数据库{} 表{} 共{}条数据".format(self.host, self.port, db, collection, num)
def __len__(self):
return self.collection.find().count()
def close(self):
def find(self, query, offset=-1, limit=0, sort_keys=None, projection=None):
if offset >= 0 and limit > 0 and sort_keys is not None:
return list(self.collection.find(query, projection).sort(sort_keys).skip(offset).limit(limit))
elif offset >= 0 and limit > 0:
return list(self.collection.find(query, projection).skip(offset).limit(limit))
elif limit > 0 and sort_keys is not None:
return list(self.collection.find(query, projection).sort(sort_keys).limit(limit))
elif limit > 0:
return list(self.collection.find(query, projection).limit(limit))
elif sort_keys is not None:
return list(self.collection.find(query, projection).sort(sort_keys))
return list(self.collection.find(query, projection))
def find_one(self, query, offset=0, sort_keys=None, projection=None):
item = None
items = self.find(query, offset, 1, sort_keys, projection)
if len(items) > 0:
item = items[0]
return item
def count(self, query):
return int(self.collection.find(query).count())
def distinct(self, query, filed='_id'):
return list(self.collection.find(query).distinct(filed))
def aggregate(self, query, group, sort=None, limit=None):
if sort and limit:
return list(
self.collection.aggregate([{'$match': query}, {'$group': group}, {'$sort': sort}, {'$limit': limit}]))
elif limit:
return list(self.collection.aggregate([{'$match': query}, {'$group': group}, {'$limit': limit}]))
elif sort:
return list(self.collection.aggregate([{'$match': query}, {'$group': group}, {'$sort': sort}]))
return list(self.collection.aggregate([{'$match': query}, {'$group': group}]))
def insert_many(self, items):
return self.collection.insert_many(items)
def insert_one(self, item):
return self.collection.insert_one(item)
def set_on_insert(self, query, set_on_insert):
return self.collection.update(query, {'$setOnInsert': set_on_insert}, upsert=True)
def upsert_query(self, query, up):
return self.collection.update(query, up, upsert=True)
def update_one(self, query, up):
return self.collection.update_one(query, up)
def upsert_one(self, query, up):
return self.collection.update_one(query, up, upsert=True)
def update_many(self, query, up):
return self.collection.update_many(query, up)
def delete_one(self, query):
return self.collection.delete_one(query)
def upsert_id(self, _id, up):
query = {'_id': _id}
return self.collection.find_one_and_update(query, up, upsert=True, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER)
def bulk_write(self, requests):
return self.collection.bulk_write(requests)
def scan(self, query, limit=5000, left=-1, right=-1, index_field='_id', index_field_typ=int, total=-1,
sort_keys=None, projection=None, id_typ=ObjectId, print_log=True):
if sort_keys is None:
sort_keys = [('_id', 1)]
if right > left > 0:
query[index_field] = {
'$gte': left,
'$lte': right,
if not sort_keys:
sort_keys = [(index_field, 1)]
elif right > 0:
query[index_field] = {
'$lte': right,
sort_keys = [(index_field, -1)]
elif left > 0:
query[index_field] = {
'$gte': left,
sort_keys = [(index_field, 1)]
if print_log:
one = self.find_one(query, sort_keys=sort_keys, projection=projection)
if not one:
if index_field not in one.keys():
print('invalid index_field: {}'.format(index_field))
last_id = safe_get(one, index_field, index_field_typ, index_field_typ())
more = True
loop_cnt = 0
all_docs = []
repeat_map = {}
while more:
loop_cnt += 1
if right > left > 0:
query[index_field] = {
'$gte': last_id,
sort_keys = [(index_field, 1)]
elif right > 0:
query[index_field] = {
'$lte': last_id,
sort_keys = [(index_field, -1)]
elif left > 0:
query[index_field] = {
'$gte': last_id,
sort_keys = [(index_field, 1)]
query[index_field] = {
'$gte': last_id,
sort_keys = [(index_field, 1)]
if print_log:
print('loop_query: {}, sort_keys: {}'.format(query, sort_keys))
docs = self.find(query, offset=0, limit=limit, sort_keys=sort_keys, projection=projection)
for d in docs:
last_id = safe_get(d, index_field, index_field_typ, index_field_typ())
if 0 < right < last_id:
more = False
# 判重
_id = safe_get(d, '_id', id_typ, id_typ())
if _id in repeat_map.keys():
repeat_map[_id] = 1
if 0 < total <= len(all_docs):
more = False
if print_log:
print('loop_cnt: {}, next: {}, examined: {}, total: {}'.format(loop_cnt, last_id, len(docs),
if len(docs) < limit:
more = False
return all_docs
def full_scan(self, id_typ=int, projection=None):
return self.scan({}, limit=10000, index_field_typ=id_typ, projection=projection)
key: {journal_id:1},
reduce: function(curr,result){ //curr当前文档, result结果文档
if(typeof curr.article_count!="undefined"){ //判断article_count字段是否存在,其他方式参见js语法
initial: {sum_article:0} //sum_article字段初始化
Select journal_id,sum(article_count) as sum_article
From total_journal_issue
Group By journal_id
def group(self, key, condition, initial, reducer):
return list(self.collection.group(key, condition, initial, reducer))
# 分页查询
1. 提供一个查询语句,如{ct:{$gte: xxx, $lt: yy}},若该查询语句查询的数据条数非常多,则非常占用数据库资源,此类情况应该通过【数据库分页】来查询
2. 提供[某个字段]的list,如mid_list、_id_list等,若该查询中ids的长度过长,也会占用数据库资源,此类情况应该对【ids分页】来查询,常用与查询【用户、评论、帖子】
# 第1种分页查询,通过query
def page_find_by_query(self, query, sort_keys=None, offset=0, page=200, file='', projection=None, print_log=True):
file: 若要生成文件,传文件绝对路径;不生成不用传
if not isinstance(query, dict):
return list()
ret_list = []
skip = offset
limit = page
more = True
csv_ = None
if file != '':
csv_ = Csv(file, ['datas'])
while more:
results = self.find(query, skip, limit, sort_keys, projection)
if print_log:
print('s: {}, e: {}'.format(skip, skip + limit))
if csv_:
if len(results) < limit:
more = False
skip += limit
return ret_list
# 第2种分页查询,通过_list
def page_find_by_list(self, ids, field='_id', sort_keys=None, offset=0, page=100, page_db=200, file='',
projection=None, print_log=True):
file: 若要生成文件,传文件绝对路径;不生成不用传
if (not isinstance(ids, list)) or (not isinstance(field, str)):
return list()
ret_list = []
skip = offset
limit = page
total = len(ids)
csv_ = None
if file != '':
csv_ = Csv(file, ['datas'])
while True:
if skip + limit > total:
limit = total - skip
if skip >= total or limit <= 0:
tmp_ids = ids[skip: skip + limit]
query = {field: {'$in': tmp_ids}}
results = self.page_find_by_query(query, sort_keys, 0, page_db, '', projection, print_log=print_log)
if csv_:
skip += limit
return ret_list