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2023-12-21 22:17:40 +08:00
package oss
import (
// headerSorter defines the key-value structure for storing the sorted data in signHeader.
type headerSorter struct {
Keys []string
Vals []string
// getAdditionalHeaderKeys get exist key in http header
func (conn Conn) getAdditionalHeaderKeys(req *http.Request) ([]string, map[string]string) {
var keysList []string
keysMap := make(map[string]string)
srcKeys := make(map[string]string)
for k := range req.Header {
srcKeys[strings.ToLower(k)] = ""
for _, v := range conn.config.AdditionalHeaders {
if _, ok := srcKeys[strings.ToLower(v)]; ok {
keysMap[strings.ToLower(v)] = ""
for k := range keysMap {
keysList = append(keysList, k)
return keysList, keysMap
// getAdditionalHeaderKeysV4 get exist key in http header
func (conn Conn) getAdditionalHeaderKeysV4(req *http.Request) ([]string, map[string]string) {
var keysList []string
keysMap := make(map[string]string)
srcKeys := make(map[string]string)
for k := range req.Header {
srcKeys[strings.ToLower(k)] = ""
for _, v := range conn.config.AdditionalHeaders {
if _, ok := srcKeys[strings.ToLower(v)]; ok {
if !strings.EqualFold(v, HTTPHeaderContentMD5) && !strings.EqualFold(v, HTTPHeaderContentType) {
keysMap[strings.ToLower(v)] = ""
for k := range keysMap {
keysList = append(keysList, k)
return keysList, keysMap
// signHeader signs the header and sets it as the authorization header.
func (conn Conn) signHeader(req *http.Request, canonicalizedResource string) {
akIf := conn.config.GetCredentials()
authorizationStr := ""
if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV4 {
strDay := ""
strDate := req.Header.Get(HttpHeaderOssDate)
if strDate == "" {
strDate = req.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderDate)
t, _ := time.Parse(http.TimeFormat, strDate)
strDay = t.Format("20060102")
} else {
t, _ := time.Parse(iso8601DateFormatSecond, strDate)
strDay = t.Format("20060102")
signHeaderProduct := conn.config.GetSignProduct()
signHeaderRegion := conn.config.GetSignRegion()
additionalList, _ := conn.getAdditionalHeaderKeysV4(req)
if len(additionalList) > 0 {
authorizationFmt := "OSS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=%v/%v/%v/" + signHeaderProduct + "/aliyun_v4_request,AdditionalHeaders=%v,Signature=%v"
additionnalHeadersStr := strings.Join(additionalList, ";")
authorizationStr = fmt.Sprintf(authorizationFmt, akIf.GetAccessKeyID(), strDay, signHeaderRegion, additionnalHeadersStr, conn.getSignedStrV4(req, canonicalizedResource, akIf.GetAccessKeySecret()))
} else {
authorizationFmt := "OSS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=%v/%v/%v/" + signHeaderProduct + "/aliyun_v4_request,Signature=%v"
authorizationStr = fmt.Sprintf(authorizationFmt, akIf.GetAccessKeyID(), strDay, signHeaderRegion, conn.getSignedStrV4(req, canonicalizedResource, akIf.GetAccessKeySecret()))
} else if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV2 {
additionalList, _ := conn.getAdditionalHeaderKeys(req)
if len(additionalList) > 0 {
authorizationFmt := "OSS2 AccessKeyId:%v,AdditionalHeaders:%v,Signature:%v"
additionnalHeadersStr := strings.Join(additionalList, ";")
authorizationStr = fmt.Sprintf(authorizationFmt, akIf.GetAccessKeyID(), additionnalHeadersStr, conn.getSignedStr(req, canonicalizedResource, akIf.GetAccessKeySecret()))
} else {
authorizationFmt := "OSS2 AccessKeyId:%v,Signature:%v"
authorizationStr = fmt.Sprintf(authorizationFmt, akIf.GetAccessKeyID(), conn.getSignedStr(req, canonicalizedResource, akIf.GetAccessKeySecret()))
} else {
// Get the final authorization string
authorizationStr = "OSS " + akIf.GetAccessKeyID() + ":" + conn.getSignedStr(req, canonicalizedResource, akIf.GetAccessKeySecret())
// Give the parameter "Authorization" value
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderAuthorization, authorizationStr)
func (conn Conn) getSignedStr(req *http.Request, canonicalizedResource string, keySecret string) string {
// Find out the "x-oss-"'s address in header of the request
ossHeadersMap := make(map[string]string)
additionalList, additionalMap := conn.getAdditionalHeaderKeys(req)
for k, v := range req.Header {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(k), "x-oss-") {
ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = v[0]
} else if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV2 {
if _, ok := additionalMap[strings.ToLower(k)]; ok {
ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = v[0]
hs := newHeaderSorter(ossHeadersMap)
// Sort the ossHeadersMap by the ascending order
// Get the canonicalizedOSSHeaders
canonicalizedOSSHeaders := ""
for i := range hs.Keys {
canonicalizedOSSHeaders += hs.Keys[i] + ":" + hs.Vals[i] + "\n"
// Give other parameters values
// when sign URL, date is expires
date := req.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderDate)
contentType := req.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderContentType)
contentMd5 := req.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderContentMD5)
// default is v1 signature
signStr := req.Method + "\n" + contentMd5 + "\n" + contentType + "\n" + date + "\n" + canonicalizedOSSHeaders + canonicalizedResource
h := hmac.New(func() hash.Hash { return sha1.New() }, []byte(keySecret))
// v2 signature
if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV2 {
signStr = req.Method + "\n" + contentMd5 + "\n" + contentType + "\n" + date + "\n" + canonicalizedOSSHeaders + strings.Join(additionalList, ";") + "\n" + canonicalizedResource
h = hmac.New(func() hash.Hash { return sha256.New() }, []byte(keySecret))
if conn.config.LogLevel >= Debug {
conn.config.WriteLog(Debug, "[Req:%p]signStr:%s\n", req, EscapeLFString(signStr))
io.WriteString(h, signStr)
signedStr := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
return signedStr
func (conn Conn) getSignedStrV4(req *http.Request, canonicalizedResource string, keySecret string) string {
// Find out the "x-oss-"'s address in header of the request
ossHeadersMap := make(map[string]string)
additionalList, additionalMap := conn.getAdditionalHeaderKeysV4(req)
for k, v := range req.Header {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(k), "x-oss-") {
ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = strings.Trim(v[0], " ")
} else {
if _, ok := additionalMap[strings.ToLower(k)]; ok {
ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = strings.Trim(v[0], " ")
// Required parameters
signDate := ""
dateFormat := ""
date := req.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderDate)
if date != "" {
signDate = date
dateFormat = http.TimeFormat
ossDate := req.Header.Get(HttpHeaderOssDate)
_, ok := ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(HttpHeaderOssDate)]
if ossDate != "" {
signDate = ossDate
dateFormat = iso8601DateFormatSecond
if !ok {
ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(HttpHeaderOssDate)] = strings.Trim(ossDate, " ")
contentType := req.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderContentType)
_, ok = ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(HTTPHeaderContentType)]
if contentType != "" && !ok {
ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(HTTPHeaderContentType)] = strings.Trim(contentType, " ")
contentMd5 := req.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderContentMD5)
_, ok = ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(HTTPHeaderContentMD5)]
if contentMd5 != "" && !ok {
ossHeadersMap[strings.ToLower(HTTPHeaderContentMD5)] = strings.Trim(contentMd5, " ")
hs := newHeaderSorter(ossHeadersMap)
// Sort the ossHeadersMap by the ascending order
// Get the canonicalizedOSSHeaders
canonicalizedOSSHeaders := ""
for i := range hs.Keys {
canonicalizedOSSHeaders += hs.Keys[i] + ":" + hs.Vals[i] + "\n"
signStr := ""
// v4 signature
hashedPayload := req.Header.Get(HttpHeaderOssContentSha256)
// subResource
resource := canonicalizedResource
subResource := ""
subPos := strings.LastIndex(canonicalizedResource, "?")
if subPos != -1 {
subResource = canonicalizedResource[subPos+1:]
resource = canonicalizedResource[0:subPos]
// get canonical request
canonicalReuqest := req.Method + "\n" + resource + "\n" + subResource + "\n" + canonicalizedOSSHeaders + "\n" + strings.Join(additionalList, ";") + "\n" + hashedPayload
rh := sha256.New()
io.WriteString(rh, canonicalReuqest)
hashedRequest := hex.EncodeToString(rh.Sum(nil))
if conn.config.LogLevel >= Debug {
conn.config.WriteLog(Debug, "[Req:%p]signStr:%s\n", req, EscapeLFString(canonicalReuqest))
// get day,eg 20210914
t, _ := time.Parse(dateFormat, signDate)
strDay := t.Format("20060102")
signedStrV4Product := conn.config.GetSignProduct()
signedStrV4Region := conn.config.GetSignRegion()
signStr = "OSS4-HMAC-SHA256" + "\n" + signDate + "\n" + strDay + "/" + signedStrV4Region + "/" + signedStrV4Product + "/aliyun_v4_request" + "\n" + hashedRequest
if conn.config.LogLevel >= Debug {
conn.config.WriteLog(Debug, "[Req:%p]signStr:%s\n", req, EscapeLFString(signStr))
h1 := hmac.New(func() hash.Hash { return sha256.New() }, []byte("aliyun_v4"+keySecret))
io.WriteString(h1, strDay)
h1Key := h1.Sum(nil)
h2 := hmac.New(func() hash.Hash { return sha256.New() }, h1Key)
io.WriteString(h2, signedStrV4Region)
h2Key := h2.Sum(nil)
h3 := hmac.New(func() hash.Hash { return sha256.New() }, h2Key)
io.WriteString(h3, signedStrV4Product)
h3Key := h3.Sum(nil)
h4 := hmac.New(func() hash.Hash { return sha256.New() }, h3Key)
io.WriteString(h4, "aliyun_v4_request")
h4Key := h4.Sum(nil)
h := hmac.New(func() hash.Hash { return sha256.New() }, h4Key)
io.WriteString(h, signStr)
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
func (conn Conn) getRtmpSignedStr(bucketName, channelName, playlistName string, expiration int64, keySecret string, params map[string]interface{}) string {
if params[HTTPParamAccessKeyID] == nil {
return ""
canonResource := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", bucketName, channelName)
canonParamsKeys := []string{}
for key := range params {
if key != HTTPParamAccessKeyID && key != HTTPParamSignature && key != HTTPParamExpires && key != HTTPParamSecurityToken {
canonParamsKeys = append(canonParamsKeys, key)
canonParamsStr := ""
for _, key := range canonParamsKeys {
canonParamsStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s:%s\n", canonParamsStr, key, params[key].(string))
expireStr := strconv.FormatInt(expiration, 10)
signStr := expireStr + "\n" + canonParamsStr + canonResource
h := hmac.New(func() hash.Hash { return sha1.New() }, []byte(keySecret))
io.WriteString(h, signStr)
signedStr := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
return signedStr
// newHeaderSorter is an additional function for function SignHeader.
func newHeaderSorter(m map[string]string) *headerSorter {
hs := &headerSorter{
Keys: make([]string, 0, len(m)),
Vals: make([]string, 0, len(m)),
for k, v := range m {
hs.Keys = append(hs.Keys, k)
hs.Vals = append(hs.Vals, v)
return hs
// Sort is an additional function for function SignHeader.
func (hs *headerSorter) Sort() {
// Len is an additional function for function SignHeader.
func (hs *headerSorter) Len() int {
return len(hs.Vals)
// Less is an additional function for function SignHeader.
func (hs *headerSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare([]byte(hs.Keys[i]), []byte(hs.Keys[j])) < 0
// Swap is an additional function for function SignHeader.
func (hs *headerSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
hs.Vals[i], hs.Vals[j] = hs.Vals[j], hs.Vals[i]
hs.Keys[i], hs.Keys[j] = hs.Keys[j], hs.Keys[i]