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2023-12-21 22:17:40 +08:00
package oss
import (
// Define the level of the output log
const (
LogOff = iota
// LogTag Tag for each level of log
var LogTag = []string{"[error]", "[warn]", "[info]", "[debug]"}
// HTTPTimeout defines HTTP timeout.
type HTTPTimeout struct {
ConnectTimeout time.Duration
ReadWriteTimeout time.Duration
HeaderTimeout time.Duration
LongTimeout time.Duration
IdleConnTimeout time.Duration
// HTTPMaxConns defines max idle connections and max idle connections per host
type HTTPMaxConns struct {
MaxIdleConns int
MaxIdleConnsPerHost int
MaxConnsPerHost int
// CredentialInf is interface for get AccessKeyID,AccessKeySecret,SecurityToken
type Credentials interface {
GetAccessKeyID() string
GetAccessKeySecret() string
GetSecurityToken() string
// CredentialInfBuild is interface for get CredentialInf
type CredentialsProvider interface {
GetCredentials() Credentials
type defaultCredentials struct {
config *Config
func (defCre *defaultCredentials) GetAccessKeyID() string {
return defCre.config.AccessKeyID
func (defCre *defaultCredentials) GetAccessKeySecret() string {
return defCre.config.AccessKeySecret
func (defCre *defaultCredentials) GetSecurityToken() string {
return defCre.config.SecurityToken
type defaultCredentialsProvider struct {
config *Config
func (defBuild *defaultCredentialsProvider) GetCredentials() Credentials {
return &defaultCredentials{config: defBuild.config}
type envCredentials struct {
AccessKeyId string
AccessKeySecret string
SecurityToken string
type EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider struct {
cred Credentials
func (credentials *envCredentials) GetAccessKeyID() string {
return credentials.AccessKeyId
func (credentials *envCredentials) GetAccessKeySecret() string {
return credentials.AccessKeySecret
func (credentials *envCredentials) GetSecurityToken() string {
return credentials.SecurityToken
func (defBuild *EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider) GetCredentials() Credentials {
var accessID, accessKey, token string
if defBuild.cred == nil {
accessID = os.Getenv("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
accessKey = os.Getenv("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")
token = os.Getenv("OSS_SESSION_TOKEN")
} else {
accessID = defBuild.cred.GetAccessKeyID()
accessKey = defBuild.cred.GetAccessKeySecret()
token = defBuild.cred.GetSecurityToken()
return &envCredentials{
AccessKeyId: accessID,
AccessKeySecret: accessKey,
SecurityToken: token,
func NewEnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider() (EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider, error) {
var provider EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
accessID := os.Getenv("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
if accessID == "" {
return provider, fmt.Errorf("access key id is empty!")
accessKey := os.Getenv("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")
if accessKey == "" {
return provider, fmt.Errorf("access key secret is empty!")
token := os.Getenv("OSS_SESSION_TOKEN")
envCredential := &envCredentials{
AccessKeyId: accessID,
AccessKeySecret: accessKey,
SecurityToken: token,
return EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider{
cred: envCredential,
}, nil
// Config defines oss configuration
type Config struct {
Endpoint string // OSS endpoint
AccessKeyID string // AccessId
AccessKeySecret string // AccessKey
RetryTimes uint // Retry count by default it's 5.
UserAgent string // SDK name/version/system information
IsDebug bool // Enable debug mode. Default is false.
Timeout uint // Timeout in seconds. By default it's 60.
SecurityToken string // STS Token
IsCname bool // If cname is in the endpoint.
HTTPTimeout HTTPTimeout // HTTP timeout
HTTPMaxConns HTTPMaxConns // Http max connections
IsUseProxy bool // Flag of using proxy.
ProxyHost string // Flag of using proxy host.
IsAuthProxy bool // Flag of needing authentication.
ProxyUser string // Proxy user
ProxyPassword string // Proxy password
IsEnableMD5 bool // Flag of enabling MD5 for upload.
MD5Threshold int64 // Memory footprint threshold for each MD5 computation (16MB is the default), in byte. When the data is more than that, temp file is used.
IsEnableCRC bool // Flag of enabling CRC for upload.
LogLevel int // Log level
Logger *log.Logger // For write log
UploadLimitSpeed int // Upload limit speed:KB/s, 0 is unlimited
UploadLimiter *OssLimiter // Bandwidth limit reader for upload
DownloadLimitSpeed int // Download limit speed:KB/s, 0 is unlimited
DownloadLimiter *OssLimiter // Bandwidth limit reader for download
CredentialsProvider CredentialsProvider // User provides interface to get AccessKeyID, AccessKeySecret, SecurityToken
LocalAddr net.Addr // local client host info
UserSetUa bool // UserAgent is set by user or not
AuthVersion AuthVersionType // v1 or v2, v4 signature,default is v1
AdditionalHeaders []string // special http headers needed to be sign
RedirectEnabled bool // only effective from go1.7 onward, enable http redirect or not
InsecureSkipVerify bool // for https, Whether to skip verifying the server certificate file
Region string // such as cn-hangzhou
CloudBoxId string //
Product string // oss or oss-cloudbox, default is oss
// LimitUploadSpeed uploadSpeed:KB/s, 0 is unlimited,default is 0
func (config *Config) LimitUploadSpeed(uploadSpeed int) error {
if uploadSpeed < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument, the value of uploadSpeed is less than 0")
} else if uploadSpeed == 0 {
config.UploadLimitSpeed = 0
config.UploadLimiter = nil
return nil
var err error
config.UploadLimiter, err = GetOssLimiter(uploadSpeed)
if err == nil {
config.UploadLimitSpeed = uploadSpeed
return err
// LimitDownLoadSpeed downloadSpeed:KB/s, 0 is unlimited,default is 0
func (config *Config) LimitDownloadSpeed(downloadSpeed int) error {
if downloadSpeed < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument, the value of downloadSpeed is less than 0")
} else if downloadSpeed == 0 {
config.DownloadLimitSpeed = 0
config.DownloadLimiter = nil
return nil
var err error
config.DownloadLimiter, err = GetOssLimiter(downloadSpeed)
if err == nil {
config.DownloadLimitSpeed = downloadSpeed
return err
// WriteLog output log function
func (config *Config) WriteLog(LogLevel int, format string, a ...interface{}) {
if config.LogLevel < LogLevel || config.Logger == nil {
var logBuffer bytes.Buffer
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
config.Logger.Printf("%s", logBuffer.String())
// for get Credentials
func (config *Config) GetCredentials() Credentials {
return config.CredentialsProvider.GetCredentials()
// for get Sign Product
func (config *Config) GetSignProduct() string {
if config.CloudBoxId != "" {
return "oss-cloudbox"
return "oss"
// for get Sign Region
func (config *Config) GetSignRegion() string {
if config.CloudBoxId != "" {
return config.CloudBoxId
return config.Region
// getDefaultOssConfig gets the default configuration.
func getDefaultOssConfig() *Config {
config := Config{}
config.Endpoint = ""
config.AccessKeyID = ""
config.AccessKeySecret = ""
config.RetryTimes = 5
config.IsDebug = false
config.UserAgent = userAgent()
config.Timeout = 60 // Seconds
config.SecurityToken = ""
config.IsCname = false
config.HTTPTimeout.ConnectTimeout = time.Second * 30 // 30s
config.HTTPTimeout.ReadWriteTimeout = time.Second * 60 // 60s
config.HTTPTimeout.HeaderTimeout = time.Second * 60 // 60s
config.HTTPTimeout.LongTimeout = time.Second * 300 // 300s
config.HTTPTimeout.IdleConnTimeout = time.Second * 50 // 50s
config.HTTPMaxConns.MaxIdleConns = 100
config.HTTPMaxConns.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
config.IsUseProxy = false
config.ProxyHost = ""
config.IsAuthProxy = false
config.ProxyUser = ""
config.ProxyPassword = ""
config.MD5Threshold = 16 * 1024 * 1024 // 16MB
config.IsEnableMD5 = false
config.IsEnableCRC = true
config.LogLevel = LogOff
config.Logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags)
provider := &defaultCredentialsProvider{config: &config}
config.CredentialsProvider = provider
config.AuthVersion = AuthV1
config.RedirectEnabled = true
config.InsecureSkipVerify = false
config.Product = "oss"
return &config