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2023-12-21 22:17:40 +08:00
Copyright 2020 The Qmgo Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package qmgo
import ""
// CollectionI
// 集合操作接口
//type CollectionI interface {
// Find(filter interface{}) QueryI
// InsertOne(doc interface{}) (*mongo.InsertOneResult, error)
// InsertMany(docs ...interface{}) (*mongo.InsertManyResult, error)
// Upsert(filter interface{}, replacement interface{}) (*mongo.UpdateResult, error)
// UpdateOne(filter interface{}, update interface{}) error
// UpdateAll(filter interface{}, update interface{}) (*mongo.UpdateResult, error)
// DeleteOne(filter interface{}) error
// RemoveAll(selector interface{}) (*mongo.DeleteResult, error)
// EnsureIndex(indexes []string, isUnique bool)
// EnsureIndexes(uniques []string, indexes []string)
// Change holds fields for running a findAndModify command via the Query.Apply method.
type Change struct {
Update interface{} // update/replace document
Replace bool // Whether to replace the document rather than updating
Remove bool // Whether to remove the document found rather than updating
Upsert bool // Whether to insert in case the document isn't found, take effect when Remove is false
ReturnNew bool // Should the modified document be returned rather than the old one, take effect when Remove is false
// CursorI Cursor interface
type CursorI interface {
Next(result interface{}) bool
Close() error
Err() error
All(results interface{}) error
//ID() int64
// QueryI Query interface
type QueryI interface {
Collation(collation *options.Collation) QueryI
SetArrayFilters(*options.ArrayFilters) QueryI
Sort(fields ...string) QueryI
Select(selector interface{}) QueryI
Skip(n int64) QueryI
BatchSize(n int64) QueryI
NoCursorTimeout(n bool) QueryI
Limit(n int64) QueryI
One(result interface{}) error
All(result interface{}) error
Count() (n int64, err error)
EstimatedCount() (n int64, err error)
Distinct(key string, result interface{}) error
Cursor() CursorI
Apply(change Change, result interface{}) error
Hint(hint interface{}) QueryI
// AggregateI define the interface of aggregate
type AggregateI interface {
All(results interface{}) error
One(result interface{}) error
Iter() CursorI // Deprecated, please use Cursor instead
Cursor() CursorI