// mxj - A collection of map[string]interface{} and associated XML and JSON utilities. // Copyright 2012-2019, Charles Banning. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file /* Marshal/Unmarshal XML to/from map[string]interface{} values (and JSON); extract/modify values from maps by key or key-path, including wildcards. mxj supplants the legacy x2j and j2x packages. The subpackage x2j-wrapper is provided to facilitate migrating from the x2j package. The x2j and j2x subpackages provide similar functionality of the old packages but are not function-name compatible with them. Note: this library was designed for processing ad hoc anonymous messages. Bulk processing large data sets may be much more efficiently performed using the encoding/xml or encoding/json packages from Go's standard library directly. Related Packages: checkxml: github.com/clbanning/checkxml provides functions for validating XML data. Notes: 2022.11.28: v2.7 - add SetGlobalKeyMapPrefix to change default prefix, '#', for default keys 2022.11.20: v2.6 - add NewMapForattedXmlSeq for XML docs formatted with whitespace character 2021.02.02: v2.5 - add XmlCheckIsValid toggle to force checking that the encoded XML is valid 2020.12.14: v2.4 - add XMLEscapeCharsDecoder to preserve XML escaped characters in Map values 2020.10.28: v2.3 - add TrimWhiteSpace option 2020.05.01: v2.2 - optimize map to XML encoding for large XML docs. 2019.07.04: v2.0 - remove unnecessary methods - mv.XmlWriterRaw, mv.XmlIndentWriterRaw - for Map and MapSeq. 2019.07.04: Add MapSeq type and move associated functions and methods from Map to MapSeq. 2019.01.21: DecodeSimpleValuesAsMap - decode to map[:map["#text":]] rather than map[:]. 2018.04.18: mv.Xml/mv.XmlIndent encodes non-map[string]interface{} map values - map[string]string, map[int]uint, etc. 2018.03.29: mv.Gob/NewMapGob support gob encoding/decoding of Maps. 2018.03.26: Added mxj/x2j-wrapper sub-package for migrating from legacy x2j package. 2017.02.22: LeafNode paths can use ".N" syntax rather than "[N]" for list member indexing. 2017.02.21: github.com/clbanning/checkxml provides functions for validating XML data. 2017.02.10: SetFieldSeparator changes field separator for args in UpdateValuesForPath, ValuesFor... methods. 2017.02.06: Support XMPP stream processing - HandleXMPPStreamTag(). 2016.11.07: Preserve name space prefix syntax in XmlSeq parser - NewMapXmlSeq(), etc. 2016.06.25: Support overriding default XML attribute prefix, "-", in Map keys - SetAttrPrefix(). 2016.05.26: Support customization of xml.Decoder by exposing CustomDecoder variable. 2016.03.19: Escape invalid chars when encoding XML attribute and element values - XMLEscapeChars(). 2016.03.02: By default decoding XML with float64 and bool value casting will not cast "NaN", "Inf", and "-Inf". To cast them to float64, first set flag with CastNanInf(true). 2016.02.22: New mv.Root(), mv.Elements(), mv.Attributes methods let you examine XML document structure. 2016.02.16: Add CoerceKeysToLower() option to handle tags with mixed capitalization. 2016.02.12: Seek for first xml.StartElement token; only return error if io.EOF is reached first (handles BOM). 2015-12-02: NewMapXmlSeq() with mv.XmlSeq() & co. will try to preserve structure of XML doc when re-encoding. 2014-08-02: AnyXml() and AnyXmlIndent() will try to marshal arbitrary values to XML. SUMMARY type Map map[string]interface{} Create a Map value, 'mv', from any map[string]interface{} value, 'v': mv := Map(v) Unmarshal / marshal XML as a Map value, 'mv': mv, err := NewMapXml(xmlValue) // unmarshal xmlValue, err := mv.Xml() // marshal Unmarshal XML from an io.Reader as a Map value, 'mv': mv, err := NewMapXmlReader(xmlReader) // repeated calls, as with an os.File Reader, will process stream mv, raw, err := NewMapXmlReaderRaw(xmlReader) // 'raw' is the raw XML that was decoded Marshal Map value, 'mv', to an XML Writer (io.Writer): err := mv.XmlWriter(xmlWriter) raw, err := mv.XmlWriterRaw(xmlWriter) // 'raw' is the raw XML that was written on xmlWriter Also, for prettified output: xmlValue, err := mv.XmlIndent(prefix, indent, ...) err := mv.XmlIndentWriter(xmlWriter, prefix, indent, ...) raw, err := mv.XmlIndentWriterRaw(xmlWriter, prefix, indent, ...) Bulk process XML with error handling (note: handlers must return a boolean value): err := HandleXmlReader(xmlReader, mapHandler(Map), errHandler(error)) err := HandleXmlReaderRaw(xmlReader, mapHandler(Map, []byte), errHandler(error, []byte)) Converting XML to JSON: see Examples for NewMapXml and HandleXmlReader. There are comparable functions and methods for JSON processing. Arbitrary structure values can be decoded to / encoded from Map values: mv, err := NewMapStruct(structVal) err := mv.Struct(structPointer) To work with XML tag values, JSON or Map key values or structure field values, decode the XML, JSON or structure to a Map value, 'mv', or cast a map[string]interface{} value to a Map value, 'mv', then: paths := mv.PathsForKey(key) path := mv.PathForKeyShortest(key) values, err := mv.ValuesForKey(key, subkeys) values, err := mv.ValuesForPath(path, subkeys) // 'path' can be dot-notation with wildcards and indexed arrays. count, err := mv.UpdateValuesForPath(newVal, path, subkeys) Get everything at once, irrespective of path depth: leafnodes := mv.LeafNodes() leafvalues := mv.LeafValues() A new Map with whatever keys are desired can be created from the current Map and then encoded in XML or JSON. (Note: keys can use dot-notation. 'oldKey' can also use wildcards and indexed arrays.) newMap, err := mv.NewMap("oldKey_1:newKey_1", "oldKey_2:newKey_2", ..., "oldKey_N:newKey_N") newMap, err := mv.NewMap("oldKey1", "oldKey3", "oldKey5") // a subset of 'mv'; see "examples/partial.go" newXml, err := newMap.Xml() // for example newJson, err := newMap.Json() // ditto XML PARSING CONVENTIONS Using NewMapXml() - Attributes are parsed to `map[string]interface{}` values by prefixing a hyphen, `-`, to the attribute label. (Unless overridden by `PrependAttrWithHyphen(false)` or `SetAttrPrefix()`.) - If the element is a simple element and has attributes, the element value is given the key `#text` for its `map[string]interface{}` representation. (See the 'atomFeedString.xml' test data, below.) - XML comments, directives, and process instructions are ignored. - If CoerceKeysToLower() has been called, then the resultant keys will be lower case. Using NewMapXmlSeq() - Attributes are parsed to `map["#attr"]map[]map[string]interface{}`values where the `` value has "#text" and "#seq" keys - the "#text" key holds the value for ``. - All elements, except for the root, have a "#seq" key. - Comments, directives, and process instructions are unmarshalled into the Map using the keys "#comment", "#directive", and "#procinst", respectively. (See documentation for more specifics.) - Name space syntax is preserved: - something parses to map["ns:key"]interface{}{"something"} - xmlns:ns="http://myns.com/ns" parses to map["xmlns:ns"]interface{}{"http://myns.com/ns"} Both - By default, "Nan", "Inf", and "-Inf" values are not cast to float64. If you want them to be cast, set a flag to cast them using CastNanInf(true). XML ENCODING CONVENTIONS - 'nil' Map values, which may represent 'null' JSON values, are encoded as "". NOTE: the operation is not symmetric as "" elements are decoded as 'tag:""' Map values, which, then, encode in JSON as '"tag":""' values.. - ALSO: there is no guarantee that the encoded XML doc will be the same as the decoded one. (Go randomizes the walk through map[string]interface{} values.) If you plan to re-encode the Map value to XML and want the same sequencing of elements look at NewMapXmlSeq() and mv.XmlSeq() - these try to preserve the element sequencing but with added complexity when working with the Map representation. */ package mxj