// Copyright 2012-2016, 2019 Charles Banning. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file // xmlseq.go - version of xml.go with sequence # injection on Decoding and sorting on Encoding. // Also, handles comments, directives and process instructions. package mxj import ( "bytes" "encoding/xml" "errors" "fmt" "io" "sort" "strings" ) // MapSeq is like Map but contains seqencing indices to allow recovering the original order of // the XML elements when the map[string]interface{} is marshaled. Element attributes are // stored as a map["#attr"]map[]map[string]interface{}{"#text":"", "#seq":} // value instead of denoting the keys with a prefix character. Also, comments, directives and // process instructions are preserved. type MapSeq map[string]interface{} // NoRoot is returned by NewXmlSeq, etc., when a comment, directive or procinstr element is parsed // in the XML data stream and the element is not contained in an XML object with a root element. var NoRoot = errors.New("no root key") var NO_ROOT = NoRoot // maintain backwards compatibility // ------------------- NewMapXmlSeq & NewMapXmlSeqReader ... ------------------------- // NewMapXmlSeq converts a XML doc into a MapSeq value with elements id'd with decoding sequence key represented // as map["#seq"]. // If the optional argument 'cast' is 'true', then values will be converted to boolean or float64 if possible. // NOTE: "#seq" key/value pairs are removed on encoding with msv.Xml() / msv.XmlIndent(). // • attributes are a map - map["#attr"]map["attr_key"]map[string]interface{}{"#text":, "#seq":} // • all simple elements are decoded as map["#text"]interface{} with a "#seq" k:v pair, as well. // • lists always decode as map["list_tag"][]map[string]interface{} where the array elements are maps that // include a "#seq" k:v pair based on sequence they are decoded. Thus, XML like: // // value 1 // value 2 // value 3 // // is decoded as: // doc : // ltag :[[]interface{}] // [item: 0] // #seq :[int] 0 // #text :[string] value 1 // [item: 1] // #seq :[int] 2 // #text :[string] value 3 // newtag : // #seq :[int] 1 // #text :[string] value 2 // It will encode in proper sequence even though the MapSeq representation merges all "ltag" elements in an array. // • comments - "" - are decoded as map["#comment"]map["#text"]"cmnt_text" with a "#seq" k:v pair. // • directives - "" - are decoded as map["#directive"]map[#text"]"directive_text" with a "#seq" k:v pair. // • process instructions - "" - are decoded as map["#procinst"]interface{} where the #procinst value // is of map[string]interface{} type with the following keys: #target, #inst, and #seq. // • comments, directives, and procinsts that are NOT part of a document with a root key will be returned as // map[string]interface{} and the error value 'NoRoot'. // • note: ": tag preserve the // ":" notation rather than stripping it as with NewMapXml(). // 2. Attribute keys for name space prefix declarations preserve "xmlns:" notation. // // ERRORS: // 1. If a NoRoot error, "no root key," is returned, check the initial map key for a "#comment", // "#directive" or #procinst" key. func NewMapXmlSeq(xmlVal []byte, cast ...bool) (MapSeq, error) { var r bool if len(cast) == 1 { r = cast[0] } return xmlSeqToMap(xmlVal, r) } // NewMpaXmlSeqReader returns next XML doc from an io.Reader as a MapSeq value. // NOTES: // 1. The 'xmlReader' will be parsed looking for an xml.StartElement, xml.Comment, etc., so BOM and other // extraneous xml.CharData will be ignored unless io.EOF is reached first. // 2. CoerceKeysToLower() is NOT recognized, since the intent here is to eventually call m.XmlSeq() to // re-encode the message in its original structure. // 3. If CoerceKeysToSnakeCase() has been called, then all key values will be converted to snake case. // // ERRORS: // 1. If a NoRoot error, "no root key," is returned, check the initial map key for a "#comment", // "#directive" or #procinst" key. func NewMapXmlSeqReader(xmlReader io.Reader, cast ...bool) (MapSeq, error) { var r bool if len(cast) == 1 { r = cast[0] } // We need to put an *os.File reader in a ByteReader or the xml.NewDecoder // will wrap it in a bufio.Reader and seek on the file beyond where the // xml.Decoder parses! if _, ok := xmlReader.(io.ByteReader); !ok { xmlReader = myByteReader(xmlReader) // see code at EOF } // build the map return xmlSeqReaderToMap(xmlReader, r) } // NewMapXmlSeqReaderRaw returns the next XML doc from an io.Reader as a MapSeq value. // Returns MapSeq value, slice with the raw XML, and any error. // NOTES: // 1. Due to the implementation of xml.Decoder, the raw XML off the reader is buffered to []byte // using a ByteReader. If the io.Reader is an os.File, there may be significant performance impact. // See the examples - getmetrics1.go through getmetrics4.go - for comparative use cases on a large // data set. If the io.Reader is wrapping a []byte value in-memory, however, such as http.Request.Body // you CAN use it to efficiently unmarshal a XML doc and retrieve the raw XML in a single call. // 2. The 'raw' return value may be larger than the XML text value. // 3. The 'xmlReader' will be parsed looking for an xml.StartElement, xml.Comment, etc., so BOM and other // extraneous xml.CharData will be ignored unless io.EOF is reached first. // 4. CoerceKeysToLower() is NOT recognized, since the intent here is to eventually call m.XmlSeq() to // re-encode the message in its original structure. // 5. If CoerceKeysToSnakeCase() has been called, then all key values will be converted to snake case. // // ERRORS: // 1. If a NoRoot error, "no root key," is returned, check if the initial map key is "#comment", // "#directive" or #procinst" key. func NewMapXmlSeqReaderRaw(xmlReader io.Reader, cast ...bool) (MapSeq, []byte, error) { var r bool if len(cast) == 1 { r = cast[0] } // create TeeReader so we can retrieve raw XML buf := make([]byte, 0) wb := bytes.NewBuffer(buf) trdr := myTeeReader(xmlReader, wb) m, err := xmlSeqReaderToMap(trdr, r) // retrieve the raw XML that was decoded b := wb.Bytes() // err may be NoRoot return m, b, err } // xmlSeqReaderToMap() - parse a XML io.Reader to a map[string]interface{} value func xmlSeqReaderToMap(rdr io.Reader, r bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) { // parse the Reader p := xml.NewDecoder(rdr) if CustomDecoder != nil { useCustomDecoder(p) } else { p.CharsetReader = XmlCharsetReader } return xmlSeqToMapParser("", nil, p, r) } // xmlSeqToMap - convert a XML doc into map[string]interface{} value func xmlSeqToMap(doc []byte, r bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) { b := bytes.NewReader(doc) p := xml.NewDecoder(b) if CustomDecoder != nil { useCustomDecoder(p) } else { p.CharsetReader = XmlCharsetReader } return xmlSeqToMapParser("", nil, p, r) } // ===================================== where the work happens ============================= // xmlSeqToMapParser - load a 'clean' XML doc into a map[string]interface{} directly. // Add #seq tag value for each element decoded - to be used for Encoding later. func xmlSeqToMapParser(skey string, a []xml.Attr, p *xml.Decoder, r bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) { if snakeCaseKeys { skey = strings.Replace(skey, "-", "_", -1) } // NOTE: all attributes and sub-elements parsed into 'na', 'na' is returned as value for 'skey' in 'n'. var n, na map[string]interface{} var seq int // for including seq num when decoding // Allocate maps and load attributes, if any. // NOTE: on entry from NewMapXml(), etc., skey=="", and we fall through // to get StartElement then recurse with skey==xml.StartElement.Name.Local // where we begin allocating map[string]interface{} values 'n' and 'na'. if skey != "" { // 'n' only needs one slot - save call to runtime•hashGrow() // 'na' we don't know n = make(map[string]interface{}, 1) na = make(map[string]interface{}) if len(a) > 0 { // xml.Attr is decoded into: map["#attr"]map[]interface{} // where interface{} is map[string]interface{}{"#text":, "#seq":} aa := make(map[string]interface{}, len(a)) for i, v := range a { if snakeCaseKeys { v.Name.Local = strings.Replace(v.Name.Local, "-", "_", -1) } if xmlEscapeCharsDecoder { // per issue#84 v.Value = escapeChars(v.Value) } if len(v.Name.Space) > 0 { aa[v.Name.Space+`:`+v.Name.Local] = map[string]interface{}{"#text": cast(v.Value, r, ""), "#seq": i} } else { aa[v.Name.Local] = map[string]interface{}{"#text": cast(v.Value, r, ""), "#seq": i} } } na["#attr"] = aa } } // Return XMPP message. if handleXMPPStreamTag && skey == "stream:stream" { n[skey] = na return n, nil } for { t, err := p.RawToken() if err != nil { if err != io.EOF { return nil, errors.New("xml.Decoder.Token() - " + err.Error()) } return nil, err } switch t.(type) { case xml.StartElement: tt := t.(xml.StartElement) // First call to xmlSeqToMapParser() doesn't pass xml.StartElement - the map key. // So when the loop is first entered, the first token is the root tag along // with any attributes, which we process here. // // Subsequent calls to xmlSeqToMapParser() will pass in tag+attributes for // processing before getting the next token which is the element value, // which is done above. if skey == "" { if len(tt.Name.Space) > 0 { return xmlSeqToMapParser(tt.Name.Space+`:`+tt.Name.Local, tt.Attr, p, r) } else { return xmlSeqToMapParser(tt.Name.Local, tt.Attr, p, r) } } // If not initializing the map, parse the element. // len(nn) == 1, necessarily - it is just an 'n'. var nn map[string]interface{} if len(tt.Name.Space) > 0 { nn, err = xmlSeqToMapParser(tt.Name.Space+`:`+tt.Name.Local, tt.Attr, p, r) } else { nn, err = xmlSeqToMapParser(tt.Name.Local, tt.Attr, p, r) } if err != nil { return nil, err } // The nn map[string]interface{} value is a na[nn_key] value. // We need to see if nn_key already exists - means we're parsing a list. // This may require converting na[nn_key] value into []interface{} type. // First, extract the key:val for the map - it's a singleton. var key string var val interface{} for key, val = range nn { break } // add "#seq" k:v pair - // Sequence number included even in list elements - this should allow us // to properly resequence even something goofy like: // item 1 // item 2 // item 3 // where all the "list" subelements are decoded into an array. switch val.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: val.(map[string]interface{})["#seq"] = seq seq++ case interface{}: // a non-nil simple element: string, float64, bool v := map[string]interface{}{"#text": val, "#seq": seq} seq++ val = v } // 'na' holding sub-elements of n. // See if 'key' already exists. // If 'key' exists, then this is a list, if not just add key:val to na. if v, ok := na[key]; ok { var a []interface{} switch v.(type) { case []interface{}: a = v.([]interface{}) default: // anything else - note: v.(type) != nil a = []interface{}{v} } a = append(a, val) na[key] = a } else { na[key] = val // save it as a singleton } case xml.EndElement: if skey != "" { tt := t.(xml.EndElement) if snakeCaseKeys { tt.Name.Local = strings.Replace(tt.Name.Local, "-", "_", -1) } var name string if len(tt.Name.Space) > 0 { name = tt.Name.Space + `:` + tt.Name.Local } else { name = tt.Name.Local } if skey != name { return nil, fmt.Errorf("element %s not properly terminated, got %s at #%d", skey, name, p.InputOffset()) } } // len(n) > 0 if this is a simple element w/o xml.Attrs - see xml.CharData case. if len(n) == 0 { // If len(na)==0 we have an empty element == ""; // it has no xml.Attr nor xml.CharData. // Empty element content will be map["etag"]map["#text"]"" // after #seq injection - map["etag"]map["#seq"]seq - after return. if len(na) > 0 { n[skey] = na } else { n[skey] = "" // empty element } } return n, nil case xml.CharData: // clean up possible noise tt := strings.Trim(string(t.(xml.CharData)), trimRunes) if xmlEscapeCharsDecoder { // issue#84 tt = escapeChars(tt) } if skey == "" { // per Adrian (http://www.adrianlungu.com/) catch stray text // in decoder stream - // https://github.com/clbanning/mxj/pull/14#issuecomment-182816374 // NOTE: CharSetReader must be set to non-UTF-8 CharSet or you'll get // a p.Token() decoding error when the BOM is UTF-16 or UTF-32. continue } if len(tt) > 0 { // every simple element is a #text and has #seq associated with it na["#text"] = cast(tt, r, "") na["#seq"] = seq seq++ } case xml.Comment: if n == nil { // no root 'key' n = map[string]interface{}{"#comment": string(t.(xml.Comment))} return n, NoRoot } cm := make(map[string]interface{}, 2) cm["#text"] = string(t.(xml.Comment)) cm["#seq"] = seq seq++ na["#comment"] = cm case xml.Directive: if n == nil { // no root 'key' n = map[string]interface{}{"#directive": string(t.(xml.Directive))} return n, NoRoot } dm := make(map[string]interface{}, 2) dm["#text"] = string(t.(xml.Directive)) dm["#seq"] = seq seq++ na["#directive"] = dm case xml.ProcInst: if n == nil { na = map[string]interface{}{"#target": t.(xml.ProcInst).Target, "#inst": string(t.(xml.ProcInst).Inst)} n = map[string]interface{}{"#procinst": na} return n, NoRoot } pm := make(map[string]interface{}, 3) pm["#target"] = t.(xml.ProcInst).Target pm["#inst"] = string(t.(xml.ProcInst).Inst) pm["#seq"] = seq seq++ na["#procinst"] = pm default: // noop - shouldn't ever get here, now, since we handle all token types } } } // ------------------ END: NewMapXml & NewMapXmlReader ------------------------- // --------------------- mv.XmlSeq & mv.XmlSeqWriter ------------------------- // Xml encodes a MapSeq as XML with elements sorted on #seq. The companion of NewMapXmlSeq(). // The following rules apply. // - The "#seq" key value is used to seqence the subelements or attributes only. // - The "#attr" map key identifies the map of attribute map[string]interface{} values with "#text" key. // - The "#comment" map key identifies a comment in the value "#text" map entry - . // - The "#directive" map key identifies a directive in the value "#text" map entry - . // - The "#procinst" map key identifies a process instruction in the value "#target" and "#inst" // map entries - . // - Value type encoding: // > string, bool, float64, int, int32, int64, float32: per "%v" formating // > []bool, []uint8: by casting to string // > structures, etc.: handed to xml.Marshal() - if there is an error, the element // value is "UNKNOWN" // - Elements with only attribute values or are null are terminated using "/>" unless XmlGoEmptyElemSystax() called. // - If len(mv) == 1 and no rootTag is provided, then the map key is used as the root tag, possible. // Thus, `{ "key":"value" }` encodes as "value". func (mv MapSeq) Xml(rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) { m := map[string]interface{}(mv) var err error s := new(string) p := new(pretty) // just a stub if len(m) == 1 && len(rootTag) == 0 { for key, value := range m { // if it's an array, see if all values are map[string]interface{} // we force a new root tag if we'll end up with no key:value in the list // so: key:[string_val, bool:true] --> string_valtrue switch value.(type) { case []interface{}: for _, v := range value.([]interface{}) { switch v.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: // noop default: // anything else err = mapToXmlSeqIndent(false, s, DefaultRootTag, m, p) goto done } } } err = mapToXmlSeqIndent(false, s, key, value, p) } } else if len(rootTag) == 1 { err = mapToXmlSeqIndent(false, s, rootTag[0], m, p) } else { err = mapToXmlSeqIndent(false, s, DefaultRootTag, m, p) } done: if xmlCheckIsValid { d := xml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader([]byte(*s))) for { _, err = d.Token() if err == io.EOF { err = nil break } else if err != nil { return nil, err } } } return []byte(*s), err } // The following implementation is provided only for symmetry with NewMapXmlReader[Raw] // The names will also provide a key for the number of return arguments. // XmlWriter Writes the MapSeq value as XML on the Writer. // See MapSeq.Xml() for encoding rules. func (mv MapSeq) XmlWriter(xmlWriter io.Writer, rootTag ...string) error { x, err := mv.Xml(rootTag...) if err != nil { return err } _, err = xmlWriter.Write(x) return err } // XmlWriteRaw writes the MapSeq value as XML on the Writer. []byte is the raw XML that was written. // See Map.XmlSeq() for encoding rules. /* func (mv MapSeq) XmlWriterRaw(xmlWriter io.Writer, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) { x, err := mv.Xml(rootTag...) if err != nil { return x, err } _, err = xmlWriter.Write(x) return x, err } */ // XmlIndentWriter writes the MapSeq value as pretty XML on the Writer. // See MapSeq.Xml() for encoding rules. func (mv MapSeq) XmlIndentWriter(xmlWriter io.Writer, prefix, indent string, rootTag ...string) error { x, err := mv.XmlIndent(prefix, indent, rootTag...) if err != nil { return err } _, err = xmlWriter.Write(x) return err } // XmlIndentWriterRaw writes the Map as pretty XML on the Writer. []byte is the raw XML that was written. // See Map.XmlSeq() for encoding rules. /* func (mv MapSeq) XmlIndentWriterRaw(xmlWriter io.Writer, prefix, indent string, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) { x, err := mv.XmlSeqIndent(prefix, indent, rootTag...) if err != nil { return x, err } _, err = xmlWriter.Write(x) return x, err } */ // -------------------- END: mv.Xml & mv.XmlWriter ------------------------------- // ---------------------- XmlSeqIndent ---------------------------- // XmlIndent encodes a map[string]interface{} as a pretty XML string. // See MapSeq.XmlSeq() for encoding rules. func (mv MapSeq) XmlIndent(prefix, indent string, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) { m := map[string]interface{}(mv) var err error s := new(string) p := new(pretty) p.indent = indent p.padding = prefix if len(m) == 1 && len(rootTag) == 0 { // this can extract the key for the single map element // use it if it isn't a key for a list for key, value := range m { if _, ok := value.([]interface{}); ok { err = mapToXmlSeqIndent(true, s, DefaultRootTag, m, p) } else { err = mapToXmlSeqIndent(true, s, key, value, p) } } } else if len(rootTag) == 1 { err = mapToXmlSeqIndent(true, s, rootTag[0], m, p) } else { err = mapToXmlSeqIndent(true, s, DefaultRootTag, m, p) } if xmlCheckIsValid { if _, err = NewMapXml([]byte(*s)); err != nil { return nil, err } d := xml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader([]byte(*s))) for { _, err = d.Token() if err == io.EOF { err = nil break } else if err != nil { return nil, err } } } return []byte(*s), err } // where the work actually happens // returns an error if an attribute is not atomic func mapToXmlSeqIndent(doIndent bool, s *string, key string, value interface{}, pp *pretty) error { var endTag bool var isSimple bool var noEndTag bool var elen int var ss string p := &pretty{pp.indent, pp.cnt, pp.padding, pp.mapDepth, pp.start} switch value.(type) { case map[string]interface{}, []byte, string, float64, bool, int, int32, int64, float32: if doIndent { *s += p.padding } if key != "#comment" && key != "#directive" && key != "#procinst" { *s += `<` + key } } switch value.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: val := value.(map[string]interface{}) if key == "#comment" { *s += `` noEndTag = true break } if key == "#directive" { *s += `` noEndTag = true break } if key == "#procinst" { *s += `` noEndTag = true break } haveAttrs := false // process attributes first if v, ok := val["#attr"].(map[string]interface{}); ok { // First, unroll the map[string]interface{} into a []keyval array. // Then sequence it. kv := make([]keyval, len(v)) n := 0 for ak, av := range v { kv[n] = keyval{ak, av} n++ } sort.Sort(elemListSeq(kv)) // Now encode the attributes in original decoding sequence, using keyval array. for _, a := range kv { vv := a.v.(map[string]interface{}) switch vv["#text"].(type) { case string: if xmlEscapeChars { ss = escapeChars(vv["#text"].(string)) } else { ss = vv["#text"].(string) } *s += ` ` + a.k + `="` + ss + `"` case float64, bool, int, int32, int64, float32: *s += ` ` + a.k + `="` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", vv["#text"]) + `"` case []byte: if xmlEscapeChars { ss = escapeChars(string(vv["#text"].([]byte))) } else { ss = string(vv["#text"].([]byte)) } *s += ` ` + a.k + `="` + ss + `"` default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute value for: %s", a.k) } } haveAttrs = true } // simple element? // every map value has, at least, "#seq" and, perhaps, "#text" and/or "#attr" _, seqOK := val["#seq"] // have key if v, ok := val["#text"]; ok && ((len(val) == 3 && haveAttrs) || (len(val) == 2 && !haveAttrs)) && seqOK { if stmp, ok := v.(string); ok && stmp != "" { if xmlEscapeChars { stmp = escapeChars(stmp) } *s += ">" + stmp endTag = true elen = 1 } isSimple = true break } else if !ok && ((len(val) == 2 && haveAttrs) || (len(val) == 1 && !haveAttrs)) && seqOK { // here no #text but have #seq or #seq+#attr endTag = false break } // we now need to sequence everything except attributes // 'kv' will hold everything that needs to be written kv := make([]keyval, 0) for k, v := range val { if k == "#attr" { // already processed continue } if k == "#seq" { // ignore - just for sorting continue } switch v.(type) { case []interface{}: // unwind the array as separate entries for _, vv := range v.([]interface{}) { kv = append(kv, keyval{k, vv}) } default: kv = append(kv, keyval{k, v}) } } // close tag with possible attributes *s += ">" if doIndent { *s += "\n" } // something more complex p.mapDepth++ sort.Sort(elemListSeq(kv)) i := 0 for _, v := range kv { switch v.v.(type) { case []interface{}: default: if i == 0 && doIndent { p.Indent() } } i++ if err := mapToXmlSeqIndent(doIndent, s, v.k, v.v, p); err != nil { return err } switch v.v.(type) { case []interface{}: // handled in []interface{} case default: if doIndent { p.Outdent() } } i-- } p.mapDepth-- endTag = true elen = 1 // we do have some content other than attrs case []interface{}: for _, v := range value.([]interface{}) { if doIndent { p.Indent() } if err := mapToXmlSeqIndent(doIndent, s, key, v, p); err != nil { return err } if doIndent { p.Outdent() } } return nil case nil: // terminate the tag if doIndent { *s += p.padding } *s += "<" + key endTag, isSimple = true, true break default: // handle anything - even goofy stuff elen = 0 switch value.(type) { case string: if xmlEscapeChars { ss = escapeChars(value.(string)) } else { ss = value.(string) } elen = len(ss) if elen > 0 { *s += ">" + ss } case float64, bool, int, int32, int64, float32: v := fmt.Sprintf("%v", value) elen = len(v) if elen > 0 { *s += ">" + v } case []byte: // NOTE: byte is just an alias for uint8 // similar to how xml.Marshal handles []byte structure members if xmlEscapeChars { ss = escapeChars(string(value.([]byte))) } else { ss = string(value.([]byte)) } elen = len(ss) if elen > 0 { *s += ">" + ss } default: var v []byte var err error if doIndent { v, err = xml.MarshalIndent(value, p.padding, p.indent) } else { v, err = xml.Marshal(value) } if err != nil { *s += ">UNKNOWN" } else { elen = len(v) if elen > 0 { *s += string(v) } } } isSimple = true endTag = true } if endTag && !noEndTag { if doIndent { if !isSimple { *s += p.padding } } switch value.(type) { case map[string]interface{}, []byte, string, float64, bool, int, int32, int64, float32: if elen > 0 || useGoXmlEmptyElemSyntax { if elen == 0 { *s += ">" } *s += `" } else { *s += `/>` } } } else if !noEndTag { if useGoXmlEmptyElemSyntax { *s += `" // *s += ">" } else { *s += "/>" } } if doIndent { if p.cnt > p.start { *s += "\n" } p.Outdent() } return nil } // the element sort implementation type keyval struct { k string v interface{} } type elemListSeq []keyval func (e elemListSeq) Len() int { return len(e) } func (e elemListSeq) Swap(i, j int) { e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i] } func (e elemListSeq) Less(i, j int) bool { var iseq, jseq int var fiseq, fjseq float64 var ok bool if iseq, ok = e[i].v.(map[string]interface{})["#seq"].(int); !ok { if fiseq, ok = e[i].v.(map[string]interface{})["#seq"].(float64); ok { iseq = int(fiseq) } else { iseq = 9999999 } } if jseq, ok = e[j].v.(map[string]interface{})["#seq"].(int); !ok { if fjseq, ok = e[j].v.(map[string]interface{})["#seq"].(float64); ok { jseq = int(fjseq) } else { jseq = 9999999 } } return iseq <= jseq } // =============== https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/lHPOHD-8qio // BeautifyXml (re)formats an XML doc similar to Map.XmlIndent(). // It preserves comments, directives and process instructions, func BeautifyXml(b []byte, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) { x, err := NewMapXmlSeq(b) if err != nil { return nil, err } return x.XmlIndent(prefix, indent) }