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package consts
const (
RetCodeSuccess = 1
RetCodeFail = -1
const (
ErrorCodeSuccess = 1
ErrorCodeFail = -1
// 分页查询
const (
DefaultPageSize = 10 //默认页长为10
// 推荐每次吞吐量
const (
StreamerRecommThroughput = 4
MomentRecommThroughput = 4
// 设备类型
const (
DevType_Android = 0
DevType_Ios = 1
// 接口类型
const (
InterfaceType_Op = 0
InterfaceType_Api = 1
// apollo_config
const (
MaxPswdWrongTimesKey = "max_pswd_wrong_times"
MaxVeriCodeWrongTimesKey = "max_veri_code_wrong_times"
MaxVeriCodeValidDurationKey = "max_veri_code_valid_duration"
IosKey = "ios"
AndroidKey = "android"
AccountInitKey = "account_init"
TagNumKey = "tag_num"
PlatformNumKey = "platform_num"
SupportWxIdNumKey = "support_wx_id_num"
MaxDailyVeriCodeSendTimesKey = "max_daily_veri_code_send_times"
ImageIdForUploadFail = "image_id_for_upload_fail"
VideoIdForUploadFail = "video_id_for_upload_fail"
RestrictedVisitorKey = "restricted_visitor"
MaxDailyMomentCreateTimesKey = "max_daily_moment_create_times"
DefaultMomentTextKey = "default_moment_text"
MaxDailyZoneMomentCreateTimesKey = "max_daily_zone_moment_create_times"
ReferentialZoneMomentKey = "referential_zone_moment"
IsMomentImageEncryptEnabledKey = "is_moment_image_encrypt_enabled"
RestrictedVisitorMomentKey = "restricted_visitor_moment"
AppConfigReflectKey = "app_config_reflect"
ZoneVIPConfigKey = "zone_vip_config"
StreamerScoreFormulaKey = "streamer_score_formula"
HvyogoSingleDistributeChargePercentageKey = "hvyogo_single_distribute_charge_percentage"
AutoResponseKey = "auto_response"
QuestionMapKey = "question_map"
AgeScore2IQResultMapKey = "age_score_2_IQ_result_map"
ClassScore2ClassResultMapKey = "class_score_2_class_result_map"
IQResultMapKey = "IQ_result_map"
ClassResultMapKey = "class_result_map"
DefaultZoneTextKey = "default_zone_text"
AuditTaskCollectionReflectKey = "audit_task_collection_reflect"
StreamerFilterKey = "streamer_filter"
RavenIQTestEmailConfigKey = "Raven_IQ_test_email_config"
OfficialEmailKey = "official_email"
SmsSplitRatioKey = "sms_split_ratio"
NotifBannerInfoKey = "notif_banner_info"
InstallInfoKey = "install_info"
NTypeListKey = "n_type_list"
AcctPunishmentRealEndTimeKey = "acct_punishment_real_endtime"
DefaultNotifThumbnailIdKey = "default_notif_thumbnail_id"
// del_flag
const (
Exist = 0 //存在
Deleted = 1 //已删除
const (
PermanentMember = 1 // 会员
NoPermanentMember = 0 // 非会员
// 默认login初始化配置
const (
OriginalLoginMid = -1
OriginalLoginPassword = "C114B58B8B7E435F2EA353A83E63E123"
OriginalLoginPhoneHash = ""
OriginalLoginRegionCode = "86"
OriginalLoginIsLogined = 0
OriginalLoginLastLoginTime = 0
OriginalLoginWrongPswdTimes = 0
OriginalLoginIsEnabled = 0
OriginalLoginIsLocked = 0
OriginalLoginIsBanned = 0
// redis键前缀
const (
RedisStreamerPrefix = "streamer:" //streamer服务前缀
RedisMomentPrefix = "moment:" //moment服务前缀
RedisNotificationPrefix = "notif:" //notification服务前缀
RedisContactCustomerServicePrefix = "contact_customer_service:" //contact_customer_service服务前缀
const (
UnAudited = 1 // 未审核
Audited = 2 // 已审核
// 用户表信息审核状态,按位判断
// 状态大致如下:
// 00昵称正常
// 01昵称违规
// 10昵称审核中
const (
AuditPass = 0 // 审核通过
StreamerNikeNameAuditReject = 1 // 主播昵称违规
StreamerNikeNameAuditing = 2 // 主播昵称审核状态
//StreamerAvatarReject = 4 // 主播头像违规
//StreamerAvatarAuditing = 8 // 主播头像审核状态
// 审核的维度
const (
StreamNikeAudit = 1 // 主播昵称审核
//StreamerAvatar = 2 // 主播头像审核
const (
ImageTiff = "image_tiff"
ImageWebp = "image/webp"
ImageHeic = "image/heic"
ImageJpeg = "image/jpeg"
ImageGif = "image/gif"
ImagePng = "image/png"
VideoMp4 = "video/mp4"
//const PackageRootPath = "C:/Users/PC/Desktop/service"
const PackageRootPath = "/app/wishpal-ironfan"
//const OfflinePackageRootPath = "C:/Users/PC/Desktop/service"
const OfflinePackageRootPath = "/app/wishpal-ironfan-offline"
const MainConfigPath = PackageRootPath + "/etc/mix/mix-test.yaml"
const MainOfflineConfigPath = OfflinePackageRootPath + "/etc/mix/mix-test-offline.yaml"
const ProductionConfigPath = PackageRootPath + "/etc/mix/mix-prod.yaml"
const ProductionOfflineConfigPath = OfflinePackageRootPath + "/etc/mix/mix-prod-offline.yaml"
const LocalConfigPath = "C:/Users/PC/Desktop/service/etc/mix/mix-local.yaml"
const ReservedUserIdRegexesConfig = PackageRootPath + "/etc/mix/resource/reg_reserved_user_id_config.xml"
const EsbRoutingTableConfig = PackageRootPath + "/etc/mix/resource/esb_routing_table_config.xml"
// H5调用路径
const H5CallUrl = "/api/streamer/list_ext_by_user_id"
// 站外user_id访问zone调用路径
const ZoneListFromOutsideCountCallUrl = "/api/zone/list_by_user_id_from_outside"
// 应用上线时间2024-01-02 14:00:00
const AppEnterProductionTime = 1704175200