
165 lines
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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package mongo
import (
const (
defaultServerSelectionTimeout = 10 * time.Second
defaultURI = "mongodb://localhost:27020"
defaultPath = "mongocryptd"
serverSelectionTimeoutStr = "server selection error"
var defaultTimeoutArgs = []string{"--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=60"}
var databaseOpts = options.Database().SetReadConcern(readconcern.New()).SetReadPreference(readpref.Primary())
type mongocryptdClient struct {
bypassSpawn bool
client *Client
path string
spawnArgs []string
// newMongocryptdClient creates a client to mongocryptd.
// newMongocryptdClient is expected to not be called if the crypt shared library is available.
// The crypt shared library replaces all mongocryptd functionality.
func newMongocryptdClient(opts *options.AutoEncryptionOptions) (*mongocryptdClient, error) {
// create mcryptClient instance and spawn process if necessary
var bypassSpawn bool
var bypassAutoEncryption bool
if bypass, ok := opts.ExtraOptions["mongocryptdBypassSpawn"]; ok {
bypassSpawn = bypass.(bool)
if opts.BypassAutoEncryption != nil {
bypassAutoEncryption = *opts.BypassAutoEncryption
bypassQueryAnalysis := opts.BypassQueryAnalysis != nil && *opts.BypassQueryAnalysis
mc := &mongocryptdClient{
// mongocryptd should not be spawned if any of these conditions are true:
// - mongocryptdBypassSpawn is passed
// - bypassAutoEncryption is true because mongocryptd is not used during decryption
// - bypassQueryAnalysis is true because mongocryptd is not used during decryption
bypassSpawn: bypassSpawn || bypassAutoEncryption || bypassQueryAnalysis,
if !mc.bypassSpawn {
mc.path, mc.spawnArgs = createSpawnArgs(opts.ExtraOptions)
if err := mc.spawnProcess(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// get connection string
uri := defaultURI
if u, ok := opts.ExtraOptions["mongocryptdURI"]; ok {
uri = u.(string)
// create client
client, err := NewClient(options.Client().ApplyURI(uri).SetServerSelectionTimeout(defaultServerSelectionTimeout))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mc.client = client
return mc, nil
// markCommand executes the given command on mongocryptd.
func (mc *mongocryptdClient) markCommand(ctx context.Context, dbName string, cmd bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error) {
// Remove the explicit session from the context if one is set.
// The explicit session will be from a different client.
// If an explicit session is set, it is applied after automatic encryption.
ctx = NewSessionContext(ctx, nil)
db := mc.client.Database(dbName, databaseOpts)
res, err := db.RunCommand(ctx, cmd).Raw()
// propagate original result
if err == nil {
return bsoncore.Document(res), nil
// wrap original error
if mc.bypassSpawn || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), serverSelectionTimeoutStr) {
return nil, MongocryptdError{Wrapped: err}
// re-spawn and retry
if err = mc.spawnProcess(); err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err = db.RunCommand(ctx, cmd).Raw()
if err != nil {
return nil, MongocryptdError{Wrapped: err}
return bsoncore.Document(res), nil
// connect connects the underlying Client instance. This must be called before performing any mark operations.
func (mc *mongocryptdClient) connect(ctx context.Context) error {
return mc.client.Connect(ctx)
// disconnect disconnects the underlying Client instance. This should be called after all operations have completed.
func (mc *mongocryptdClient) disconnect(ctx context.Context) error {
return mc.client.Disconnect(ctx)
func (mc *mongocryptdClient) spawnProcess() error {
// Ignore gosec warning about subprocess launched with externally-provided path variable.
/* #nosec G204 */
cmd := exec.Command(mc.path, mc.spawnArgs...)
cmd.Stdout = nil
cmd.Stderr = nil
return cmd.Start()
// createSpawnArgs creates arguments to spawn mcryptClient. It returns the path and a slice of arguments.
func createSpawnArgs(opts map[string]interface{}) (string, []string) {
var spawnArgs []string
// get command path
path := defaultPath
if p, ok := opts["mongocryptdPath"]; ok {
path = p.(string)
// add specified options
if sa, ok := opts["mongocryptdSpawnArgs"]; ok {
spawnArgs = append(spawnArgs, sa.([]string)...)
// add timeout options if necessary
var foundTimeout bool
for _, arg := range spawnArgs {
// need to use HasPrefix instead of doing an exact equality check because both
// mongocryptd supports both [--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs, 0] and [--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=0]
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs") {
foundTimeout = true
if !foundTimeout {
spawnArgs = append(spawnArgs, defaultTimeoutArgs...)
return path, spawnArgs