
1411 lines
40 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2016, 2018-2019 Charles Banning. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file
// xml.go - basically the core of X2j for map[string]interface{} values.
// NewMapXml, NewMapXmlReader, mv.Xml, mv.XmlWriter
// see x2j and j2x for wrappers to provide end-to-end transformation of XML and JSON messages.
package mxj
import (
// ------------------- NewMapXml & NewMapXmlReader ... -------------------------
// If XmlCharsetReader != nil, it will be used to decode the XML, if required.
// Note: if CustomDecoder != nil, then XmlCharsetReader is ignored;
// set the CustomDecoder attribute instead.
// import (
// charset ""
// )
// ...
// mxj.XmlCharsetReader = charset.NewReader
// m, merr := mxj.NewMapXml(xmlValue)
var XmlCharsetReader func(charset string, input io.Reader) (io.Reader, error)
// NewMapXml - convert a XML doc into a Map
// (This is analogous to unmarshalling a JSON string to map[string]interface{} using json.Unmarshal().)
// If the optional argument 'cast' is 'true', then values will be converted to boolean or float64 if possible.
// Converting XML to JSON is a simple as:
// ...
// mapVal, merr := mxj.NewMapXml(xmlVal)
// if merr != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// jsonVal, jerr := mapVal.Json()
// if jerr != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// 1. Declarations, directives, process instructions and comments are NOT parsed.
// 2. The 'xmlVal' will be parsed looking for an xml.StartElement, so BOM and other
// extraneous xml.CharData will be ignored unless io.EOF is reached first.
// 3. If CoerceKeysToLower() has been called, then all key values will be lower case.
// 4. If CoerceKeysToSnakeCase() has been called, then all key values will be converted to snake case.
// 5. If DisableTrimWhiteSpace(b bool) has been called, then all values will be trimmed or not. 'true' by default.
func NewMapXml(xmlVal []byte, cast ...bool) (Map, error) {
var r bool
if len(cast) == 1 {
r = cast[0]
return xmlToMap(xmlVal, r)
// Get next XML doc from an io.Reader as a Map value. Returns Map value.
// 1. Declarations, directives, process instructions and comments are NOT parsed.
// 2. The 'xmlReader' will be parsed looking for an xml.StartElement, so BOM and other
// extraneous xml.CharData will be ignored unless io.EOF is reached first.
// 3. If CoerceKeysToLower() has been called, then all key values will be lower case.
// 4. If CoerceKeysToSnakeCase() has been called, then all key values will be converted to snake case.
func NewMapXmlReader(xmlReader io.Reader, cast ...bool) (Map, error) {
var r bool
if len(cast) == 1 {
r = cast[0]
// We need to put an *os.File reader in a ByteReader or the xml.NewDecoder
// will wrap it in a bufio.Reader and seek on the file beyond where the
// xml.Decoder parses!
if _, ok := xmlReader.(io.ByteReader); !ok {
xmlReader = myByteReader(xmlReader) // see code at EOF
// build the map
return xmlReaderToMap(xmlReader, r)
// Get next XML doc from an io.Reader as a Map value. Returns Map value and slice with the raw XML.
// 1. Declarations, directives, process instructions and comments are NOT parsed.
// 2. Due to the implementation of xml.Decoder, the raw XML off the reader is buffered to []byte
// using a ByteReader. If the io.Reader is an os.File, there may be significant performance impact.
// See the examples - getmetrics1.go through getmetrics4.go - for comparative use cases on a large
// data set. If the io.Reader is wrapping a []byte value in-memory, however, such as http.Request.Body
// you CAN use it to efficiently unmarshal a XML doc and retrieve the raw XML in a single call.
// 3. The 'raw' return value may be larger than the XML text value.
// 4. The 'xmlReader' will be parsed looking for an xml.StartElement, so BOM and other
// extraneous xml.CharData will be ignored unless io.EOF is reached first.
// 5. If CoerceKeysToLower() has been called, then all key values will be lower case.
// 6. If CoerceKeysToSnakeCase() has been called, then all key values will be converted to snake case.
func NewMapXmlReaderRaw(xmlReader io.Reader, cast ...bool) (Map, []byte, error) {
var r bool
if len(cast) == 1 {
r = cast[0]
// create TeeReader so we can retrieve raw XML
buf := make([]byte, 0)
wb := bytes.NewBuffer(buf)
trdr := myTeeReader(xmlReader, wb) // see code at EOF
m, err := xmlReaderToMap(trdr, r)
// retrieve the raw XML that was decoded
b := wb.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, b, err
return m, b, nil
// xmlReaderToMap() - parse a XML io.Reader to a map[string]interface{} value
func xmlReaderToMap(rdr io.Reader, r bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
// parse the Reader
p := xml.NewDecoder(rdr)
if CustomDecoder != nil {
} else {
p.CharsetReader = XmlCharsetReader
return xmlToMapParser("", nil, p, r)
// xmlToMap - convert a XML doc into map[string]interface{} value
func xmlToMap(doc []byte, r bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
b := bytes.NewReader(doc)
p := xml.NewDecoder(b)
if CustomDecoder != nil {
} else {
p.CharsetReader = XmlCharsetReader
return xmlToMapParser("", nil, p, r)
// ===================================== where the work happens =============================
// PrependAttrWithHyphen. Prepend attribute tags with a hyphen.
// Default is 'true'. (Not applicable to NewMapXmlSeq(), mv.XmlSeq(), etc.)
// Note:
// If 'false', unmarshaling and marshaling is not symmetric. Attributes will be
// marshal'd as <attr_tag>attr</attr_tag> and may be part of a list.
func PrependAttrWithHyphen(v bool) {
if v {
attrPrefix = "-"
lenAttrPrefix = len(attrPrefix)
attrPrefix = ""
lenAttrPrefix = len(attrPrefix)
// Include sequence id with inner tags. - per Sean Murphy,
var includeTagSeqNum bool
// IncludeTagSeqNum - include a "_seq":N key:value pair with each inner tag, denoting
// its position when parsed. This is of limited usefulness, since list values cannot
// be tagged with "_seq" without changing their depth in the Map.
// So THIS SHOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION - see the test cases. Here's a sample of what
// you get.
<Obj c="la" x="dee" h="da">
<IntObj id="3"/>
<IntObj1 id="1"/>
<IntObj id="2"/>
parses as:
"_seq":"0" // if mxj.Cast is passed, then: "_seq":0
"#text":"hello", // simple element value gets "#text" tag
func IncludeTagSeqNum(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
includeTagSeqNum = !includeTagSeqNum
} else if len(b) == 1 {
includeTagSeqNum = b[0]
// all keys will be "lower case"
var lowerCase bool
// Coerce all tag values to keys in lower case. This is useful if you've got sources with variable
// tag capitalization, and you want to use m.ValuesForKeys(), etc., with the key or path spec
// in lower case.
// CoerceKeysToLower() will toggle the coercion flag true|false - on|off
// CoerceKeysToLower(true|false) will set the coercion flag on|off
// NOTE: only recognized by NewMapXml, NewMapXmlReader, and NewMapXmlReaderRaw functions as well as
// the associated HandleXmlReader and HandleXmlReaderRaw.
func CoerceKeysToLower(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
lowerCase = !lowerCase
} else if len(b) == 1 {
lowerCase = b[0]
// disableTrimWhiteSpace sets if the white space should be removed or not
var disableTrimWhiteSpace bool
var trimRunes = "\t\r\b\n "
// DisableTrimWhiteSpace set if the white space should be trimmed or not. By default white space is always trimmed. If
// no argument is provided, trim white space will be disabled.
func DisableTrimWhiteSpace(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
disableTrimWhiteSpace = true
} else {
disableTrimWhiteSpace = b[0]
if disableTrimWhiteSpace {
trimRunes = "\t\r\b\n"
} else {
trimRunes = "\t\r\b\n "
// 25jun16: Allow user to specify the "prefix" character for XML attribute key labels.
// We do this by replacing '`' constant with attrPrefix var, replacing useHyphen with attrPrefix = "",
// and adding a SetAttrPrefix(s string) function.
var attrPrefix string = `-` // the default
var lenAttrPrefix int = 1 // the default
// SetAttrPrefix changes the default, "-", to the specified value, s.
// SetAttrPrefix("") is the same as PrependAttrWithHyphen(false).
// (Not applicable for NewMapXmlSeq(), mv.XmlSeq(), etc.)
func SetAttrPrefix(s string) {
attrPrefix = s
lenAttrPrefix = len(attrPrefix)
// 18jan17: Allows user to specify if the map keys should be in snake case instead
// of the default hyphenated notation.
var snakeCaseKeys bool
// CoerceKeysToSnakeCase changes the default, false, to the specified value, b.
// Note: the attribute prefix will be a hyphen, '-', or what ever string value has
// been specified using SetAttrPrefix.
func CoerceKeysToSnakeCase(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
snakeCaseKeys = !snakeCaseKeys
} else if len(b) == 1 {
snakeCaseKeys = b[0]
// 10jan19: use of pull request #57 should be conditional - legacy code assumes
// numeric values are float64.
var castToInt bool
// CastValuesToInt tries to coerce numeric valus to int64 or uint64 instead of the
// default float64. Repeated calls with no argument will toggle this on/off, or this
// handling will be set with the value of 'b'.
func CastValuesToInt(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
castToInt = !castToInt
} else if len(b) == 1 {
castToInt = b[0]
// 05feb17: support processing XMPP streams (issue #36)
var handleXMPPStreamTag bool
// HandleXMPPStreamTag causes decoder to parse XMPP <stream:stream> elements.
// If called with no argument, XMPP stream element handling is toggled on/off.
// (See xmppStream_test.go for example.)
// If called with NewMapXml, NewMapXmlReader, New MapXmlReaderRaw the "stream"
// element will be returned as:
// map["stream"]interface{}{map[-<attrs>]interface{}}.
// If called with NewMapSeq, NewMapSeqReader, NewMapSeqReaderRaw the "stream"
// element will be returned as:
// map["stream:stream"]interface{}{map["#attr"]interface{}{map[string]interface{}}}
// where the "#attr" values have "#text" and "#seq" keys. (See NewMapXmlSeq.)
func HandleXMPPStreamTag(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
handleXMPPStreamTag = !handleXMPPStreamTag
} else if len(b) == 1 {
handleXMPPStreamTag = b[0]
// 21jan18 - decode all values as map["#text":value] (issue #56)
var decodeSimpleValuesAsMap bool
// DecodeSimpleValuesAsMap forces all values to be decoded as map["#text":<value>].
// If called with no argument, the decoding is toggled on/off.
// By default the NewMapXml functions decode simple values without attributes as
// map[<tag>:<value>]. This function causes simple values without attributes to be
// decoded the same as simple values with attributes - map[<tag>:map["#text":<value>]].
func DecodeSimpleValuesAsMap(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
decodeSimpleValuesAsMap = !decodeSimpleValuesAsMap
} else if len(b) == 1 {
decodeSimpleValuesAsMap = b[0]
// xmlToMapParser (2015.11.12) - load a 'clean' XML doc into a map[string]interface{} directly.
// A refactoring of xmlToTreeParser(), markDuplicate() and treeToMap() - here, all-in-one.
// We've removed the intermediate *node tree with the allocation and subsequent rescanning.
func xmlToMapParser(skey string, a []xml.Attr, p *xml.Decoder, r bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
if lowerCase {
skey = strings.ToLower(skey)
if snakeCaseKeys {
skey = strings.Replace(skey, "-", "_", -1)
// NOTE: all attributes and sub-elements parsed into 'na', 'na' is returned as value for 'skey' in 'n'.
// Unless 'skey' is a simple element w/o attributes, in which case the xml.CharData value is the value.
var n, na map[string]interface{}
var seq int // for includeTagSeqNum
// Allocate maps and load attributes, if any.
// NOTE: on entry from NewMapXml(), etc., skey=="", and we fall through
// to get StartElement then recurse with skey==xml.StartElement.Name.Local
// where we begin allocating map[string]interface{} values 'n' and 'na'.
if skey != "" {
n = make(map[string]interface{}) // old n
na = make(map[string]interface{}) // old n.nodes
if len(a) > 0 {
for _, v := range a {
if snakeCaseKeys {
v.Name.Local = strings.Replace(v.Name.Local, "-", "_", -1)
var key string
key = attrPrefix + v.Name.Local
if lowerCase {
key = strings.ToLower(key)
if xmlEscapeCharsDecoder { // per issue#84
v.Value = escapeChars(v.Value)
na[key] = cast(v.Value, r, key)
// Return XMPP <stream:stream> message.
if handleXMPPStreamTag && skey == "stream" {
n[skey] = na
return n, nil
for {
t, err := p.Token()
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
return nil, errors.New("xml.Decoder.Token() - " + err.Error())
return nil, err
switch t.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
tt := t.(xml.StartElement)
// First call to xmlToMapParser() doesn't pass xml.StartElement - the map key.
// So when the loop is first entered, the first token is the root tag along
// with any attributes, which we process here.
// Subsequent calls to xmlToMapParser() will pass in tag+attributes for
// processing before getting the next token which is the element value,
// which is done above.
if skey == "" {
return xmlToMapParser(tt.Name.Local, tt.Attr, p, r)
// If not initializing the map, parse the element.
// len(nn) == 1, necessarily - it is just an 'n'.
nn, err := xmlToMapParser(tt.Name.Local, tt.Attr, p, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The nn map[string]interface{} value is a na[nn_key] value.
// We need to see if nn_key already exists - means we're parsing a list.
// This may require converting na[nn_key] value into []interface{} type.
// First, extract the key:val for the map - it's a singleton.
// Note:
// * if CoerceKeysToLower() called, then key will be lower case.
// * if CoerceKeysToSnakeCase() called, then key will be converted to snake case.
var key string
var val interface{}
for key, val = range nn {
// IncludeTagSeqNum requests that the element be augmented with a "_seq" sub-element.
// In theory, we don't need this if len(na) == 1. But, we don't know what might
// come next - we're only parsing forward. So if you ask for 'includeTagSeqNum' you
// get it on every element. (Personally, I never liked this, but I added it on request
// and did get a $50 Amazon gift card in return - now we support it for backwards compatibility!)
if includeTagSeqNum {
switch val.(type) {
case []interface{}:
// noop - There's no clean way to handle this w/o changing message structure.
case map[string]interface{}:
val.(map[string]interface{})["_seq"] = seq // will overwrite an "_seq" XML tag
case interface{}: // a non-nil simple element: string, float64, bool
v := map[string]interface{}{"#text": val}
v["_seq"] = seq
val = v
// 'na' holding sub-elements of n.
// See if 'key' already exists.
// If 'key' exists, then this is a list, if not just add key:val to na.
if v, ok := na[key]; ok {
var a []interface{}
switch v.(type) {
case []interface{}:
a = v.([]interface{})
default: // anything else - note: v.(type) != nil
a = []interface{}{v}
a = append(a, val)
na[key] = a
} else {
na[key] = val // save it as a singleton
case xml.EndElement:
// len(n) > 0 if this is a simple element w/o xml.Attrs - see xml.CharData case.
if len(n) == 0 {
// If len(na)==0 we have an empty element == "";
// it has no xml.Attr nor xml.CharData.
// Note: in original node-tree parser, val defaulted to "";
// so we always had the default if len(node.nodes) == 0.
if len(na) > 0 {
n[skey] = na
} else {
n[skey] = "" // empty element
} else if len(n) == 1 && len(na) > 0 {
// it's a simple element w/ no attributes w/ subelements
for _, v := range n {
na["#text"] = v
n[skey] = na
return n, nil
case xml.CharData:
// clean up possible noise
tt := strings.Trim(string(t.(xml.CharData)), trimRunes)
if xmlEscapeCharsDecoder { // issue#84
tt = escapeChars(tt)
if len(tt) > 0 {
if len(na) > 0 || decodeSimpleValuesAsMap {
na["#text"] = cast(tt, r, "#text")
} else if skey != "" {
n[skey] = cast(tt, r, skey)
} else {
// per Adrian ( catch stray text
// in decoder stream -
// NOTE: CharSetReader must be set to non-UTF-8 CharSet or you'll get
// a p.Token() decoding error when the BOM is UTF-16 or UTF-32.
// noop
var castNanInf bool
// Cast "Nan", "Inf", "-Inf" XML values to 'float64'.
// By default, these values will be decoded as 'string'.
func CastNanInf(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
castNanInf = !castNanInf
} else if len(b) == 1 {
castNanInf = b[0]
// cast - try to cast string values to bool or float64
// 't' is the tag key that can be checked for 'not-casting'
func cast(s string, r bool, t string) interface{} {
if checkTagToSkip != nil && t != "" && checkTagToSkip(t) {
// call the check-function here with 't[0]'
// if 'true' return s
return s
if r {
// handle nan and inf
if !castNanInf {
switch strings.ToLower(s) {
case "nan", "inf", "-inf":
return s
// handle numeric strings ahead of boolean
if castToInt {
if f, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64); err == nil {
return f
if f, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64); err == nil {
return f
if castToFloat {
if f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); err == nil {
return f
// ParseBool treats "1"==true & "0"==false, we've already scanned those
// values as float64. See if value has 't' or 'f' as initial screen to
// minimize calls to ParseBool; also, see if len(s) < 6.
if castToBool {
if len(s) > 0 && len(s) < 6 {
switch s[:1] {
case "t", "T", "f", "F":
if b, err := strconv.ParseBool(s); err == nil {
return b
return s
// pull request, #59
var castToFloat = true
// CastValuesToFloat can be used to skip casting to float64 when
// "cast" argument is 'true' in NewMapXml, etc.
// Default is true.
func CastValuesToFloat(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
castToFloat = !castToFloat
} else if len(b) == 1 {
castToFloat = b[0]
var castToBool = true
// CastValuesToBool can be used to skip casting to bool when
// "cast" argument is 'true' in NewMapXml, etc.
// Default is true.
func CastValuesToBool(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 0 {
castToBool = !castToBool
} else if len(b) == 1 {
castToBool = b[0]
// checkTagToSkip - switch to address Issue #58
var checkTagToSkip func(string) bool
// SetCheckTagToSkipFunc registers function to test whether the value
// for a tag should be cast to bool or float64 when "cast" argument is 'true'.
// (Dot tag path notation is not supported.)
// NOTE: key may be "#text" if it's a simple element with attributes
// or "decodeSimpleValuesAsMap == true".
// NOTE: does not apply to NewMapXmlSeq... functions.
func SetCheckTagToSkipFunc(fn func(string) bool) {
checkTagToSkip = fn
// ------------------ END: NewMapXml & NewMapXmlReader -------------------------
// ------------------ mv.Xml & mv.XmlWriter - from j2x ------------------------
const (
DefaultRootTag = "doc"
var useGoXmlEmptyElemSyntax bool
// XmlGoEmptyElemSyntax() - <tag ...></tag> rather than <tag .../>.
// Go's encoding/xml package marshals empty XML elements as <tag ...></tag>. By default this package
// encodes empty elements as <tag .../>. If you're marshaling Map values that include structures
// (which are passed to xml.Marshal for encoding), this will let you conform to the standard package.
func XmlGoEmptyElemSyntax() {
useGoXmlEmptyElemSyntax = true
// XmlDefaultEmptyElemSyntax() - <tag .../> rather than <tag ...></tag>.
// Return XML encoding for empty elements to the default package setting.
// Reverses effect of XmlGoEmptyElemSyntax().
func XmlDefaultEmptyElemSyntax() {
useGoXmlEmptyElemSyntax = false
// ------- issue #88 ----------
// xmlCheckIsValid set switch to force decoding the encoded XML to
// see if it is valid XML.
var xmlCheckIsValid bool
// XmlCheckIsValid forces the encoded XML to be checked for validity.
func XmlCheckIsValid(b ...bool) {
if len(b) == 1 {
xmlCheckIsValid = b[0]
xmlCheckIsValid = !xmlCheckIsValid
// Encode a Map as XML. The companion of NewMapXml().
// The following rules apply.
// - The key label "#text" is treated as the value for a simple element with attributes.
// - Map keys that begin with a hyphen, '-', are interpreted as attributes.
// It is an error if the attribute doesn't have a []byte, string, number, or boolean value.
// - Map value type encoding:
// > string, bool, float64, int, int32, int64, float32: per "%v" formating
// > []bool, []uint8: by casting to string
// > structures, etc.: handed to xml.Marshal() - if there is an error, the element
// value is "UNKNOWN"
// - Elements with only attribute values or are null are terminated using "/>".
// - If len(mv) == 1 and no rootTag is provided, then the map key is used as the root tag, possible.
// Thus, `{ "key":"value" }` encodes as "<key>value</key>".
// - To encode empty elements in a syntax consistent with encoding/xml call UseGoXmlEmptyElementSyntax().
// The attributes tag=value pairs are alphabetized by "tag". Also, when encoding map[string]interface{} values -
// complex elements, etc. - the key:value pairs are alphabetized by key so the resulting tags will appear sorted.
func (mv Map) Xml(rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
m := map[string]interface{}(mv)
var err error
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
p := new(pretty) // just a stub
if len(m) == 1 && len(rootTag) == 0 {
for key, value := range m {
// if it an array, see if all values are map[string]interface{}
// we force a new root tag if we'll end up with no key:value in the list
// so: key:[string_val, bool:true] --> <doc><key>string_val</key><bool>true</bool></doc>
switch value.(type) {
case []interface{}:
for _, v := range value.([]interface{}) {
switch v.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}: // noop
default: // anything else
err = marshalMapToXmlIndent(false, b, DefaultRootTag, m, p)
goto done
err = marshalMapToXmlIndent(false, b, key, value, p)
} else if len(rootTag) == 1 {
err = marshalMapToXmlIndent(false, b, rootTag[0], m, p)
} else {
err = marshalMapToXmlIndent(false, b, DefaultRootTag, m, p)
if xmlCheckIsValid {
d := xml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(b.Bytes()))
for {
_, err = d.Token()
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes(), err
// The following implementation is provided only for symmetry with NewMapXmlReader[Raw]
// The names will also provide a key for the number of return arguments.
// Writes the Map as XML on the Writer.
// See Xml() for encoding rules.
func (mv Map) XmlWriter(xmlWriter io.Writer, rootTag ...string) error {
x, err := mv.Xml(rootTag...)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = xmlWriter.Write(x)
return err
// Writes the Map as XML on the Writer. []byte is the raw XML that was written.
// See Xml() for encoding rules.
func (mv Map) XmlWriterRaw(xmlWriter io.Writer, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
x, err := mv.Xml(rootTag...)
if err != nil {
return x, err
_, err = xmlWriter.Write(x)
return x, err
// Writes the Map as pretty XML on the Writer.
// See Xml() for encoding rules.
func (mv Map) XmlIndentWriter(xmlWriter io.Writer, prefix, indent string, rootTag ...string) error {
x, err := mv.XmlIndent(prefix, indent, rootTag...)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = xmlWriter.Write(x)
return err
// Writes the Map as pretty XML on the Writer. []byte is the raw XML that was written.
// See Xml() for encoding rules.
func (mv Map) XmlIndentWriterRaw(xmlWriter io.Writer, prefix, indent string, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
x, err := mv.XmlIndent(prefix, indent, rootTag...)
if err != nil {
return x, err
_, err = xmlWriter.Write(x)
return x, err
// -------------------- END: mv.Xml & mv.XmlWriter -------------------------------
// -------------- Handle XML stream by processing Map value --------------------
// Default poll delay to keep Handler from spinning on an open stream
// like sitting on os.Stdin waiting for imput.
var xhandlerPollInterval = time.Millisecond
// Bulk process XML using handlers that process a Map value.
// 'rdr' is an io.Reader for XML (stream)
// 'mapHandler' is the Map processor. Return of 'false' stops io.Reader processing.
// 'errHandler' is the error processor. Return of 'false' stops io.Reader processing and returns the error.
// Note: mapHandler() and errHandler() calls are blocking, so reading and processing of messages is serialized.
// This means that you can stop reading the file on error or after processing a particular message.
// To have reading and handling run concurrently, pass argument to a go routine in handler and return 'true'.
func HandleXmlReader(xmlReader io.Reader, mapHandler func(Map) bool, errHandler func(error) bool) error {
var n int
for {
m, merr := NewMapXmlReader(xmlReader)
// handle error condition with errhandler
if merr != nil && merr != io.EOF {
merr = fmt.Errorf("[xmlReader: %d] %s", n, merr.Error())
if ok := errHandler(merr); !ok {
// caused reader termination
return merr
// pass to maphandler
if len(m) != 0 {
if ok := mapHandler(m); !ok {
} else if merr != io.EOF {
if merr == io.EOF {
return nil
// Bulk process XML using handlers that process a Map value and the raw XML.
// 'rdr' is an io.Reader for XML (stream)
// 'mapHandler' is the Map and raw XML - []byte - processor. Return of 'false' stops io.Reader processing.
// 'errHandler' is the error and raw XML processor. Return of 'false' stops io.Reader processing and returns the error.
// Note: mapHandler() and errHandler() calls are blocking, so reading and processing of messages is serialized.
// This means that you can stop reading the file on error or after processing a particular message.
// To have reading and handling run concurrently, pass argument(s) to a go routine in handler and return 'true'.
// See NewMapXmlReaderRaw for comment on performance associated with retrieving raw XML from a Reader.
func HandleXmlReaderRaw(xmlReader io.Reader, mapHandler func(Map, []byte) bool, errHandler func(error, []byte) bool) error {
var n int
for {
m, raw, merr := NewMapXmlReaderRaw(xmlReader)
// handle error condition with errhandler
if merr != nil && merr != io.EOF {
merr = fmt.Errorf("[xmlReader: %d] %s", n, merr.Error())
if ok := errHandler(merr, raw); !ok {
// caused reader termination
return merr
// pass to maphandler
if len(m) != 0 {
if ok := mapHandler(m, raw); !ok {
} else if merr != io.EOF {
if merr == io.EOF {
return nil
// ----------------- END: Handle XML stream by processing Map value --------------
// -------- a hack of io.TeeReader ... need one that's an io.ByteReader for xml.NewDecoder() ----------
// This is a clone of io.TeeReader with the additional method t.ReadByte().
// Thus, this TeeReader is also an io.ByteReader.
// This is necessary because xml.NewDecoder uses a ByteReader not a Reader. It appears to have been written
// with bufio.Reader or bytes.Reader in mind ... not a generic io.Reader, which doesn't have to have ReadByte()..
// If NewDecoder is passed a Reader that does not satisfy ByteReader() it wraps the Reader with
// bufio.NewReader and uses ReadByte rather than Read that runs the TeeReader pipe logic.
type teeReader struct {
r io.Reader
w io.Writer
b []byte
func myTeeReader(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) io.Reader {
b := make([]byte, 1)
return &teeReader{r, w, b}
// need for io.Reader - but we don't use it ...
func (t *teeReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
return 0, nil
func (t *teeReader) ReadByte() (byte, error) {
n, err := t.r.Read(t.b)
if n > 0 {
if _, err := t.w.Write(t.b[:1]); err != nil {
return t.b[0], err
return t.b[0], err
// For use with NewMapXmlReader & NewMapXmlSeqReader.
type byteReader struct {
r io.Reader
b []byte
func myByteReader(r io.Reader) io.Reader {
b := make([]byte, 1)
return &byteReader{r, b}
// Need for io.Reader interface ...
// Needed if reading a malformed http.Request.Body - issue #38.
func (b *byteReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
return b.r.Read(p)
func (b *byteReader) ReadByte() (byte, error) {
_, err := b.r.Read(b.b)
if len(b.b) > 0 {
return b.b[0], nil
var c byte
return c, err
// ----------------------- END: io.TeeReader hack -----------------------------------
// ---------------------- XmlIndent - from j2x package ----------------------------
// Encode a map[string]interface{} as a pretty XML string.
// See Xml for encoding rules.
func (mv Map) XmlIndent(prefix, indent string, rootTag ...string) ([]byte, error) {
m := map[string]interface{}(mv)
var err error
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
p := new(pretty)
p.indent = indent
p.padding = prefix
if len(m) == 1 && len(rootTag) == 0 {
// this can extract the key for the single map element
// use it if it isn't a key for a list
for key, value := range m {
if _, ok := value.([]interface{}); ok {
err = marshalMapToXmlIndent(true, b, DefaultRootTag, m, p)
} else {
err = marshalMapToXmlIndent(true, b, key, value, p)
} else if len(rootTag) == 1 {
err = marshalMapToXmlIndent(true, b, rootTag[0], m, p)
} else {
err = marshalMapToXmlIndent(true, b, DefaultRootTag, m, p)
if xmlCheckIsValid {
d := xml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(b.Bytes()))
for {
_, err = d.Token()
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes(), err
type pretty struct {
indent string
cnt int
padding string
mapDepth int
start int
func (p *pretty) Indent() {
p.padding += p.indent
func (p *pretty) Outdent() {
if p.cnt > 0 {
p.padding = p.padding[:len(p.padding)-len(p.indent)]
// where the work actually happens
// returns an error if an attribute is not atomic
// NOTE: 01may20 - replaces mapToXmlIndent(); uses bytes.Buffer instead for string appends.
func marshalMapToXmlIndent(doIndent bool, b *bytes.Buffer, key string, value interface{}, pp *pretty) error {
var err error
var endTag bool
var isSimple bool
var elen int
p := &pretty{pp.indent, pp.cnt, pp.padding, pp.mapDepth, pp.start}
// per issue #48, 18apr18 - try and coerce maps to map[string]interface{}
// Don't need for mapToXmlSeqIndent, since maps there are decoded by NewMapXmlSeq().
if reflect.ValueOf(value).Kind() == reflect.Map {
switch value.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
val := make(map[string]interface{})
vv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
keys := vv.MapKeys()
for _, k := range keys {
val[fmt.Sprint(k)] = vv.MapIndex(k).Interface()
value = val
// 14jul20. The following block of code has become something of a catch all for odd stuff
// that might be passed in as a result of casting an arbitrary map[<T>]<T> to an mxj.Map
// value and then call m.Xml or m.XmlIndent. See issue #71 (and #73) for such edge cases.
switch value.(type) {
// these types are handled during encoding
case map[string]interface{}, []byte, string, float64, bool, int, int32, int64, float32, json.Number:
case []map[string]interface{}, []string, []float64, []bool, []int, []int32, []int64, []float32, []json.Number:
case []interface{}:
case nil:
value = ""
// see if value is a struct, if so marshal using encoding/xml package
if reflect.ValueOf(value).Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if v, err := xml.Marshal(value); err != nil {
return err
} else {
value = string(v)
} else {
// coerce eveything else into a string value
value = fmt.Sprint(value)
// start the XML tag with required indentaton and padding
if doIndent {
if _, err = b.WriteString(p.padding); err != nil {
return err
switch value.(type) {
case []interface{}:
if _, err = b.WriteString(`<` + key); err != nil {
return err
switch value.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
vv := value.(map[string]interface{})
lenvv := len(vv)
// scan out attributes - attribute keys have prepended attrPrefix
attrlist := make([][2]string, len(vv))
var n int
var ss string
for k, v := range vv {
if lenAttrPrefix > 0 && lenAttrPrefix < len(k) && k[:lenAttrPrefix] == attrPrefix {
switch v.(type) {
case string:
if xmlEscapeChars {
ss = escapeChars(v.(string))
} else {
ss = v.(string)
attrlist[n][0] = k[lenAttrPrefix:]
attrlist[n][1] = ss
case float64, bool, int, int32, int64, float32, json.Number:
attrlist[n][0] = k[lenAttrPrefix:]
attrlist[n][1] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
case []byte:
if xmlEscapeChars {
ss = escapeChars(string(v.([]byte)))
} else {
ss = string(v.([]byte))
attrlist[n][0] = k[lenAttrPrefix:]
attrlist[n][1] = ss
return fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute value for: %s:<%T>", k, v)
if n > 0 {
attrlist = attrlist[:n]
for _, v := range attrlist {
if _, err = b.WriteString(` ` + v[0] + `="` + v[1] + `"`); err != nil {
return err
// only attributes?
if n == lenvv {
if useGoXmlEmptyElemSyntax {
if _, err = b.WriteString(`</` + key + ">"); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if _, err = b.WriteString(`/>`); err != nil {
return err
// simple element? Note: '#text" is an invalid XML tag.
isComplex := false
if v, ok := vv["#text"]; ok && n+1 == lenvv {
// just the value and attributes
switch v.(type) {
case string:
if xmlEscapeChars {
v = escapeChars(v.(string))
} else {
v = v.(string)
case []byte:
if xmlEscapeChars {
v = escapeChars(string(v.([]byte)))
} else {
v = string(v.([]byte))
if _, err = b.WriteString(">" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)); err != nil {
return err
endTag = true
elen = 1
isSimple = true
} else if ok {
// need to handle when there are subelements in addition to the simple element value
// issue #90
switch v.(type) {
case string:
if xmlEscapeChars {
v = escapeChars(v.(string))
} else {
v = v.(string)
case []byte:
if xmlEscapeChars {
v = escapeChars(string(v.([]byte)))
} else {
v = string(v.([]byte))
if _, err = b.WriteString(">" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)); err != nil {
return err
isComplex = true
// close tag with possible attributes
if !isComplex {
if _, err = b.WriteString(">"); err != nil {
return err
if doIndent {
// *s += "\n"
if _, err = b.WriteString("\n"); err != nil {
return err
// something more complex
// extract the map k:v pairs and sort on key
elemlist := make([][2]interface{}, len(vv))
n = 0
for k, v := range vv {
if k == "#text" {
// simple element handled above
if lenAttrPrefix > 0 && lenAttrPrefix < len(k) && k[:lenAttrPrefix] == attrPrefix {
elemlist[n][0] = k
elemlist[n][1] = v
elemlist = elemlist[:n]
var i int
for _, v := range elemlist {
switch v[1].(type) {
case []interface{}:
if i == 0 && doIndent {
if err := marshalMapToXmlIndent(doIndent, b, v[0].(string), v[1], p); err != nil {
return err
switch v[1].(type) {
case []interface{}: // handled in []interface{} case
if doIndent {
endTag = true
elen = 1 // we do have some content ...
case []interface{}:
// special case - found during implementing Issue #23
if len(value.([]interface{})) == 0 {
if doIndent {
if _, err = b.WriteString(p.padding + p.indent); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = b.WriteString("<" + key); err != nil {
return err
elen = 0
endTag = true
for _, v := range value.([]interface{}) {
if doIndent {
if err := marshalMapToXmlIndent(doIndent, b, key, v, p); err != nil {
return err
if doIndent {
return nil
case []string:
// This was added by ... not a type that
// would be encountered if mv generated from NewMapXml, NewMapJson.
// Could be encountered in AnyXml(), so we'll let it stay, though
// it should be merged with case []interface{}, above.
//quick fix for []string type
//[]string should be treated exaclty as []interface{}
if len(value.([]string)) == 0 {
if doIndent {
if _, err = b.WriteString(p.padding + p.indent); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = b.WriteString("<" + key); err != nil {
return err
elen = 0
endTag = true
for _, v := range value.([]string) {
if doIndent {
if err := marshalMapToXmlIndent(doIndent, b, key, v, p); err != nil {
return err
if doIndent {
return nil
case nil:
// terminate the tag
if doIndent {
// *s += p.padding
if _, err = b.WriteString(p.padding); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = b.WriteString("<" + key); err != nil {
return err
endTag, isSimple = true, true
default: // handle anything - even goofy stuff
elen = 0
switch value.(type) {
case string:
v := value.(string)
if xmlEscapeChars {
v = escapeChars(v)
elen = len(v)
if elen > 0 {
// *s += ">" + v
if _, err = b.WriteString(">" + v); err != nil {
return err
case float64, bool, int, int32, int64, float32, json.Number:
v := fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)
elen = len(v) // always > 0
if _, err = b.WriteString(">" + v); err != nil {
return err
case []byte: // NOTE: byte is just an alias for uint8
// similar to how xml.Marshal handles []byte structure members
v := string(value.([]byte))
if xmlEscapeChars {
v = escapeChars(v)
elen = len(v)
if elen > 0 {
// *s += ">" + v
if _, err = b.WriteString(">" + v); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = b.WriteString(">"); err != nil {
return err
var v []byte
var err error
if doIndent {
v, err = xml.MarshalIndent(value, p.padding, p.indent)
} else {
v, err = xml.Marshal(value)
if err != nil {
if _, err = b.WriteString(">UNKNOWN"); err != nil {
return err
} else {
elen = len(v)
if elen > 0 {
if _, err = b.Write(v); err != nil {
return err
isSimple = true
endTag = true
if endTag {
if doIndent {
if !isSimple {
if _, err = b.WriteString(p.padding); err != nil {
return err
if elen > 0 || useGoXmlEmptyElemSyntax {
if elen == 0 {
if _, err = b.WriteString(">"); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = b.WriteString(`</` + key + ">"); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if _, err = b.WriteString(`/>`); err != nil {
return err
if doIndent {
if p.cnt > p.start {
if _, err = b.WriteString("\n"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ============================ sort interface implementation =================
type attrList [][2]string
func (a attrList) Len() int {
return len(a)
func (a attrList) Swap(i, j int) {
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
func (a attrList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return a[i][0] <= a[j][0]
type elemList [][2]interface{}
func (e elemList) Len() int {
return len(e)
func (e elemList) Swap(i, j int) {
e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i]
func (e elemList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return e[i][0].(string) <= e[j][0].(string)