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package alipay
import (
type Client struct {
AppId string
AppCertSN string
AliPayPublicCertSN string
AliPayRootCertSN string
ReturnUrl string
NotifyUrl string
Charset string
SignType string
AppAuthToken string
IsProd bool
bodySize int // http response body size(MB), default is 10MB
privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
aliPayPublicKey *rsa.PublicKey // 支付宝证书公钥内容 alipayPublicCert.crt
autoSign bool
DebugSwitch gopay.DebugSwitch
location *time.Location
// 初始化支付宝客户端
// 注意:如果使用支付宝公钥证书验签,请设置 支付宝根证书SNclient.SetAlipayRootCertSN()、应用公钥证书SNclient.SetAppCertSN()
// appid应用ID
// privateKey应用私钥支持PKCS1和PKCS8
// isProd是否是正式环境沙箱环境请选择新版沙箱应用。
func NewClient(appid, privateKey string, isProd bool) (client *Client, err error) {
if appid == util.NULL || privateKey == util.NULL {
return nil, gopay.MissAlipayInitParamErr
key := xrsa.FormatAlipayPrivateKey(privateKey)
priKey, err := xpem.DecodePrivateKey([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client = &Client{
AppId: appid,
Charset: UTF8,
SignType: RSA2,
IsProd: isProd,
privateKey: priKey,
DebugSwitch: gopay.DebugOff,
return client, nil
// 开启请求完自动验签功能(默认不开启,推荐开启,只支持证书模式)
// 注意:只支持证书模式
// alipayPublicKeyContent支付宝公钥证书文件内容[]byte
func (a *Client) AutoVerifySign(alipayPublicKeyContent []byte) {
pubKey, err := xpem.DecodePublicKey(alipayPublicKeyContent)
if err != nil {
xlog.Errorf("AutoVerifySign(%s),err:%+v", alipayPublicKeyContent, err)
if pubKey != nil {
a.aliPayPublicKey = pubKey
a.autoSign = true
// SetBodySize 设置http response body size(MB)
func (a *Client) SetBodySize(sizeMB int) {
if sizeMB > 0 {
a.bodySize = sizeMB
// Deprecated
// 推荐使用 PostAliPayAPISelfV2()
// 示例:请参考 client_test.go 的 TestClient_PostAliPayAPISelf() 方法
func (a *Client) PostAliPayAPISelf(ctx context.Context, bm gopay.BodyMap, method string, aliRsp interface{}) (err error) {
var bs []byte
if bs, err = a.doAliPay(ctx, bm, method); err != nil {
return err
if err = json.Unmarshal(bs, aliRsp); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Deprecated
// 推荐使用 RequestParam()
func (a *Client) GetRequestSignParam(bm gopay.BodyMap, method string) (string, error) {
return a.RequestParam(bm, method)
// RequestParam 获取支付宝完整请求参数包含签名
// 注意biz_content 需要自行通过bm.SetBodyMap()设置,不设置则没有此参数
func (a *Client) RequestParam(bm gopay.BodyMap, method string) (string, error) {
var (
bodyBs []byte
err error
sign string
// check if there is biz_content
bz := bm.GetInterface("biz_content")
if bzBody, ok := bz.(gopay.BodyMap); ok {
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bzBody); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal(%v)%w", bzBody, err)
bm.Set("biz_content", string(bodyBs))
bm.Set("method", method)
// check public parameter
// check sign
if bm.GetString("sign") == "" {
sign, err = a.getRsaSign(bm, bm.GetString("sign_type"), a.privateKey)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("GetRsaSign Error: %w", err)
bm.Set("sign", sign)
if a.DebugSwitch == gopay.DebugOn {
xlog.Debugf("Alipay_Request: %s", bm.JsonBody())
return bm.EncodeURLParams(), nil
// PostAliPayAPISelfV2 支付宝接口自行实现方法
// 注意biz_content 需要自行通过bm.SetBodyMap()设置,不设置则没有此参数
// 示例:请参考 client_test.go 的 TestClient_PostAliPayAPISelfV2() 方法
func (a *Client) PostAliPayAPISelfV2(ctx context.Context, bm gopay.BodyMap, method string, aliRsp interface{}) (err error) {
var (
bs, bodyBs []byte
// check if there is biz_content
bz := bm.GetInterface("biz_content")
if bzBody, ok := bz.(gopay.BodyMap); ok {
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bzBody); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal(%v)%w", bzBody, err)
bm.Set("biz_content", string(bodyBs))
if bs, err = a.doAliPaySelf(ctx, bm, method); err != nil {
return err
if err = json.Unmarshal(bs, aliRsp); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// 向支付宝发送自定义请求
func (a *Client) doAliPaySelf(ctx context.Context, bm gopay.BodyMap, method string) (bs []byte, err error) {
var (
url, sign string
bm.Set("method", method)
// check public parameter
// check sign
if bm.GetString("sign") == "" {
sign, err = a.getRsaSign(bm, bm.GetString("sign_type"), a.privateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GetRsaSign Error: %w", err)
bm.Set("sign", sign)
if a.DebugSwitch == gopay.DebugOn {
xlog.Debugf("Alipay_Request: %s", bm.JsonBody())
httpClient := xhttp.NewClient()
if a.bodySize > 0 {
if a.IsProd {
url = baseUrlUtf8
} else {
url = sandboxBaseUrlUtf8
res, bs, err := httpClient.Type(xhttp.TypeForm).Post(url).SendString(bm.EncodeURLParams()).EndBytes(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if a.DebugSwitch == gopay.DebugOn {
xlog.Debugf("Alipay_Response: %s%d %s%s", xlog.Red, res.StatusCode, xlog.Reset, string(bs))
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP Request Error, StatusCode = %d", res.StatusCode)
return bs, nil
// 向支付宝发送请求
func (a *Client) doAliPay(ctx context.Context, bm gopay.BodyMap, method string, authToken ...string) (bs []byte, err error) {
var (
bizContent, url string
bodyBs []byte
if bm != nil {
_, has := appAuthTokenInBizContent[method]
if has {
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bm); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal%w", err)
bizContent = string(bodyBs)
} else {
aat := bm.GetString("app_auth_token")
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bm); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal%w", err)
bizContent = string(bodyBs)
bm.Set("app_auth_token", aat)
// 处理公共参数
param, err := a.pubParamsHandle(bm, method, bizContent, authToken...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch method {
case "", "":
return []byte(param), nil
case "", "", "":
if !a.IsProd {
return []byte(sandboxBaseUrl + "?" + param), nil
return []byte(baseUrl + "?" + param), nil
httpClient := xhttp.NewClient()
if a.bodySize > 0 {
url = baseUrlUtf8
if !a.IsProd {
url = sandboxBaseUrlUtf8
res, bs, err := httpClient.Type(xhttp.TypeForm).Post(url).SendString(param).EndBytes(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if a.DebugSwitch == gopay.DebugOn {
xlog.Debugf("Alipay_Response: %s%d %s%s", xlog.Red, res.StatusCode, xlog.Reset, string(bs))
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP Request Error, StatusCode = %d", res.StatusCode)
return bs, nil
// 向支付宝发送请求
func (a *Client) DoAliPay(ctx context.Context, bm gopay.BodyMap, method string, authToken ...string) (bs []byte, err error) {
var (
bizContent, url string
bodyBs []byte
if bm != nil {
_, has := appAuthTokenInBizContent[method]
if has {
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bm); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal%w", err)
bizContent = string(bodyBs)
} else {
aat := bm.GetString("app_auth_token")
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bm); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal%w", err)
bizContent = string(bodyBs)
bm.Set("app_auth_token", aat)
// 处理公共参数
param, err := a.pubParamsHandle(bm, method, bizContent, authToken...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch method {
case "", "":
return []byte(param), nil
case "", "", "":
if !a.IsProd {
return []byte(sandboxBaseUrl + "?" + param), nil
return []byte(baseUrl + "?" + param), nil
httpClient := xhttp.NewClient()
if a.bodySize > 0 {
url = baseUrlUtf8
if !a.IsProd {
url = sandboxBaseUrlUtf8
res, bs, err := httpClient.Type(xhttp.TypeForm).Post(url).SendString(param).EndBytes(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if a.DebugSwitch == gopay.DebugOn {
xlog.Debugf("Alipay_Response: %s%d %s%s", xlog.Red, res.StatusCode, xlog.Reset, string(bs))
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP Request Error, StatusCode = %d", res.StatusCode)
return bs, nil
// 保持和官方 SDK 命名方式一致
func (a *Client) PageExecute(ctx context.Context, bm gopay.BodyMap, method string, authToken ...string) (url string, err error) {
var (
bizContent string
bodyBs []byte
if bm != nil {
_, has := appAuthTokenInBizContent[method]
if has {
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bm); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal%w", err)
bizContent = string(bodyBs)
} else {
aat := bm.GetString("app_auth_token")
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bm); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal%w", err)
bizContent = string(bodyBs)
bm.Set("app_auth_token", aat)
// 处理公共参数
param, err := a.pubParamsHandle(bm, method, bizContent, authToken...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !a.IsProd {
return sandboxBaseUrl + "?" + param, nil
return baseUrl + "?" + param, nil
// 公共参数处理
func (a *Client) pubParamsHandle(bm gopay.BodyMap, method, bizContent string, authToken ...string) (param string, err error) {
pubBody := make(gopay.BodyMap)
pubBody.Set("app_id", a.AppId).
Set("method", method).
Set("format", "JSON").
Set("charset", a.Charset).
Set("sign_type", a.SignType).
Set("version", "1.0").
Set("timestamp", time.Now().Format(util.TimeLayout))
// version
if version := bm.GetString("version"); version != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("version", version)
if a.AppCertSN != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("app_cert_sn", a.AppCertSN)
if a.AliPayRootCertSN != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("alipay_root_cert_sn", a.AliPayRootCertSN)
// return_url
if a.ReturnUrl != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("return_url", a.ReturnUrl)
if returnUrl := bm.GetString("return_url"); returnUrl != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("return_url", returnUrl)
if a.location != nil {
pubBody.Set("timestamp", time.Now().In(a.location).Format(util.TimeLayout))
// notify_url
if a.NotifyUrl != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("notify_url", a.NotifyUrl)
if notifyUrl := bm.GetString("notify_url"); notifyUrl != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("notify_url", notifyUrl)
// default use app_auth_token
if a.AppAuthToken != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("app_auth_token", a.AppAuthToken)
// if user set app_auth_token in body_map, use this
if aat := bm.GetString("app_auth_token"); aat != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("app_auth_token", aat)
if len(authToken) > 0 {
pubBody.Set("auth_token", authToken[0])
if bizContent != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("biz_content", bizContent)
// sign
sign, err := a.getRsaSign(pubBody, pubBody.GetString("sign_type"), a.privateKey)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("GetRsaSign Error: %w", err)
pubBody.Set("sign", sign)
if a.DebugSwitch == gopay.DebugOn {
xlog.Debugf("Alipay_Request: %s", pubBody.JsonBody())
param = pubBody.EncodeURLParams()
// 公共参数检查
func (a *Client) checkPublicParam(bm gopay.BodyMap) {
bm.Set("format", "JSON").
Set("charset", a.Charset).
Set("sign_type", a.SignType).
Set("version", "1.0").
Set("timestamp", time.Now().Format(util.TimeLayout))
if bm.GetString("app_id") == "" && a.AppId != util.NULL {
bm.Set("app_id", a.AppId)
if bm.GetString("app_cert_sn") == "" && a.AppCertSN != util.NULL {
bm.Set("app_cert_sn", a.AppCertSN)
if bm.GetString("alipay_root_cert_sn") == "" && a.AliPayRootCertSN != util.NULL {
bm.Set("alipay_root_cert_sn", a.AliPayRootCertSN)
if bm.GetString("return_url") == "" && a.ReturnUrl != util.NULL {
bm.Set("return_url", a.ReturnUrl)
if a.location != nil {
bm.Set("timestamp", time.Now().In(a.location).Format(util.TimeLayout))
if bm.GetString("notify_url") == "" && a.NotifyUrl != util.NULL {
bm.Set("notify_url", a.NotifyUrl)
if bm.GetString("app_auth_token") == "" && a.AppAuthToken != util.NULL {
bm.Set("app_auth_token", a.AppAuthToken)
// 文件上传
func (a *Client) FileRequest(ctx context.Context, bm gopay.BodyMap, file *util.File, method string) (bs []byte, err error) {
var (
bodyStr string
bodyBs []byte
aat string
if bm != nil {
aat = bm.GetString("app_auth_token")
if bodyBs, err = json.Marshal(bm); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("json.Marshal%w", err)
bodyStr = string(bodyBs)
pubBody := make(gopay.BodyMap)
pubBody.Set("app_id", a.AppId).
Set("method", method).
Set("format", "JSON").
Set("charset", a.Charset).
Set("sign_type", a.SignType).
Set("version", "1.0").
Set("scene", "SYNC_ORDER").
Set("timestamp", time.Now().Format(util.TimeLayout))
if a.AppCertSN != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("app_cert_sn", a.AppCertSN)
if a.AliPayRootCertSN != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("alipay_root_cert_sn", a.AliPayRootCertSN)
if a.ReturnUrl != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("return_url", a.ReturnUrl)
if a.location != nil {
pubBody.Set("timestamp", time.Now().In(a.location).Format(util.TimeLayout))
if a.NotifyUrl != util.NULL { //如果返回url为空传过来的返回url不为空
//fmt.Println("url不为空", a.NotifyUrl)
pubBody.Set("notify_url", a.NotifyUrl)
//fmt.Println("notify,", pubBody.JsonBody())
if a.AppAuthToken != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("app_auth_token", a.AppAuthToken)
if aat != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("app_auth_token", aat)
if bodyStr != util.NULL {
pubBody.Set("biz_content", bodyStr)
sign, err := a.getRsaSign(pubBody, pubBody.GetString("sign_type"), a.privateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GetRsaSign Error: %w", err)
//pubBody.Set("file_content", file.Content)
pubBody.Set("sign", sign)
if a.DebugSwitch == gopay.DebugOn {
xlog.Debugf("Alipay_Request: %s", pubBody.JsonBody())
param := pubBody.EncodeURLParams()
url := baseUrlUtf8 + "&" + param
bm.SetFormFile("file_content", file)
httpClient := xhttp.NewClient()
res, bs, err := httpClient.Type(xhttp.TypeMultipartFormData).Post(url).
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if a.DebugSwitch == gopay.DebugOn {
xlog.Debugf("Alipay_Response: %s%d %s%s", xlog.Red, res.StatusCode, xlog.Reset, string(bs))
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP Request Error, StatusCode = %d", res.StatusCode)
return bs, nil