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## Changelog
### v2.31.1
- support COUNT in SCAN and ZSCAN (thanks @BarakSilverfort)
- support for OBJECT IDLETIME (thanks @nerd2)
- support for HRANDFIELD (thanks @sejin-P)
### v2.31.0
- support for MEMORY USAGE (thanks @davidroman0O)
- test against Redis 7.2.0
- support for CLIENT SETNAME/GETNAME (thanks @mr-karan)
- fix very small numbers (thanks @zsh1995)
- use the same float-to-string logic real Redis uses
### v2.30.5
- support SMISMEMBER (thanks @sandyharvie)
### v2.30.4
- fix ZADD LT/LG (thanks @sejin-P)
- fix COPY (thanks @jerargus)
- quicker SPOP
### v2.30.3
- fix lua error_reply (thanks @pkierski)
- fix use of blocking functions in lua
- support for ZMSCORE (thanks @lsgndln)
- lua cache (thanks @tonyhb)
### v2.30.2
- support MINID in XADD (thanks @nathan-cormier)
- support BLMOVE (thanks @sevein)
- fix COMMAND (thanks @pje)
- fix 'XREAD ... $' on a non-existing stream
### v2.30.1
- support SET NX GET special case
### v2.30.0
- implement redis 7.0.x (from 6.X). Main changes:
- test against 7.0.7
- update error messages
- support nx|xx|gt|lt options in [P]EXPIRE[AT]
- update how deleted items are processed in pending queues in streams
### v2.23.1
- resolve $ to latest ID in XREAD (thanks @josh-hook)
- handle disconnect in blocking functions (thanks @jgirtakovskis)
- fix type conversion bug in redisToLua (thanks Sandy Harvie)
- BRPOP{LPUSH} timeout can be float since 6.0
### v2.23.0
- basic INFO support (thanks @kirill-a-belov)
- support COUNT in SSCAN (thanks @Abdi-dd)
- test and support Go 1.19
- support LPOS (thanks @ianstarz)
### v2.22.0
- set miniredis.DumpMaxLineLen to get more Dump() info (thanks @afjoseph)
- fix invalid resposne of COMMAND (thanks @zsh1995)
- fix possibility to generate duplicate IDs in XADD (thanks @readams)
- adds support for XAUTOCLAIM min-idle parameter (thanks @readams)
### v2.21.0
- support for GETEX (thanks @dntj)
- support for GT and LT in ZADD (thanks @lsgndln)
- support for XAUTOCLAIM (thanks @randall-fulton)
### v2.20.0
- back to support Go >= 1.14 (thanks @ajatprabha and @marcind)
### v2.19.0
- support for TYPE in SCAN (thanks @0xDiddi)
- update BITPOS (thanks @dirkm)
- fix a lua redis.call() return value (thanks @mpetronic)
- update ZRANGE (thanks @valdemarpereira)
### v2.18.0
- support for ZUNION (thanks @propan)
- support for COPY (thanks @matiasinsaurralde and @rockitbaby)
- support for LMOVE (thanks @btwear)
### v2.17.0
- added miniredis.RunT(t)
### v2.16.1
- fix ZINTERSTORE with sets (thanks @lingjl2010 and @okhowang)
- fix exclusive ranges in XRANGE (thanks @joseotoro)
### v2.16.0
- simplify some code (thanks @zonque)
- support for EXAT/PXAT in SET
- support for XTRIM (thanks @joseotoro)
- support for ZRANDMEMBER
- support for redis.log() in lua (thanks @dirkm)
### v2.15.2
- Fix race condition in blocking code (thanks @zonque and @robx)
- XREAD accepts '$' as ID (thanks @bradengroom)
### v2.15.1
- EVAL should cache the script (thanks @guoshimin)
### v2.15.0
- target redis 6.2 and added new args to various commands
- support for all hyperlog commands (thanks @ilbaktin)
- support for GETDEL (thanks @wszaranski)
### v2.14.5
- added XPENDING
- support for BLOCK option in XREAD and XREADGROUP
### v2.14.4
- fix BITPOS error (thanks @xiaoyuzdy)
- small fixes for XREAD, XACK, and XDEL. Mostly error cases.
- fix empty EXEC return type (thanks @ashanbrown)
- fix XDEL (thanks @svakili and @yvesf)
- fix FLUSHALL for streams (thanks @svakili)
### v2.14.3
- fix problem where Lua code didn't set the selected DB
- update to redis 6.0.10 (thanks @lazappa)
### v2.14.2
- update LUA dependency
- deal with (p)unsubscribe when there are no channels
### v2.14.1
- mod tidy
### v2.14.0
- support for HELLO and the RESP3 protocol
- KEEPTTL in SET (thanks @johnpena)
### v2.13.3
- support Go 1.14 and 1.15
- update the `Check...()` methods
- support for XREAD (thanks @pieterlexis)
### v2.13.2
- Use SAN instead of CN in self signed cert for testing (thanks @johejo)
- Travis CI now tests against the most recent two versions of Go (thanks @johejo)
- changed unit and integration tests to compare raw payloads, not parsed payloads
- remove "redigo" dependency
### v2.13.1
- added HSTRLEN
- minimal support for ACL users in AUTH
### v2.13.0
- added RunTLS(...)
- added SetError(...)
### v2.12.0
- redis 6
- Lua json update (thanks @gsmith85)
- CLUSTER commands (thanks @kratisto)
- fix TOUCH
- fix a shutdown race condition
### v2.11.4
- ZUNIONSTORE now supports standard set types (thanks @wshirey)
### v2.11.3
- support for TOUCH (thanks @cleroux)
- support for cluster and stream commands (thanks @kak-tus)
### v2.11.2
- make sure Lua code is executed concurrently
- add command GEORADIUSBYMEMBER (thanks @kyeett)
### v2.11.1
- globals protection for Lua code (thanks @vk-outreach)
- HSET update (thanks @carlgreen)
- fix BLPOP block on shutdown (thanks @Asalle)
### v2.11.0
- added XRANGE/XREVRANGE, XADD, and XLEN (thanks @skateinmars)
- added GEODIST
- improved precision for geohashes, closer to what real redis does
- use 128bit floats internally for INCRBYFLOAT and related (thanks @timnd)
### v2.10.1
- added m.Server()
### v2.10.0
- added UNLINK
- fix DEL zero-argument case
- cleanup some direct access commands
### v2.9.1
- fix issue with ZRANGEBYLEX
- fix issue with BRPOPLPUSH and direct access
### v2.9.0
- proper versioned import of github.com/gomodule/redigo (thanks @yfei1)
- fix messages generated by PSUBSCRIBE
- optional internal seed (thanks @zikaeroh)
### v2.8.0
Proper `v2` in go.mod.
### older
See https://github.com/alicebob/miniredis/releases for the full changelog