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2024-10-12 12:55:20 +08:00
* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making polaris-go available.
* Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package log
const (
// DefaultLogger 默认logger
DefaultLogger = LoggerZap
DefaultLogLevel = InfoLog
// DefaultBaseLogLevel 默认基础日志级别
DefaultBaseLogLevel = DefaultLogLevel
// DefaultStatLogLevel 默认统计日志级别
DefaultStatLogLevel = DefaultLogLevel
// DefaultDetectLogLevel 默认探测日志级别
DefaultDetectLogLevel = DefaultLogLevel
// DefaultStatReportLogLevel 默认统计上报日志级别
DefaultStatReportLogLevel = DefaultLogLevel
// DefaultNetworkLogLevel 默认网络交互日志级别
DefaultNetworkLogLevel = DefaultLogLevel
// DefaultCacheLogLevel 默认缓存日志级别
DefaultCacheLogLevel = DefaultLogLevel
// 默认基础日志名
baseLoggerName = "base"
// 默认统计日志名
statLoggerName = "stat"
// 默认统计上报日志名
statReportLoggerName = "statReport"
// 默认基础日志名
detectLoggerName = "detect"
// 默认网络交互日志名
networkLoggerName = "network"
// 默认缓存交互日志名
cacheLoggerName = "cache"
const (
// DefaultErrorOutputPath 默认直接错误输出路径
DefaultErrorOutputPath = "stderr"
// DefaultRotationMaxAge 默认滚动日志保留时间
DefaultRotationMaxAge = 30
// DefaultRotationMaxSize 默认单个日志最大占用空间
DefaultRotationMaxSize = 50
// DefaultRotationMaxBackups 默认最大滚动备份
DefaultRotationMaxBackups = 5
// DefaultLogRotationRootDir 默认日志根目录
DefaultLogRotationRootDir = "./polaris/log"
// DefaultBaseLogRotationPath 默认基础日志滚动文件
DefaultBaseLogRotationPath = "/base/polaris.log"
// DefaultStatLogRotationPath 默认统计日志滚动文件
DefaultStatLogRotationPath = "/stat/polaris-stat.log"
// DefaultStatReportLogRotationPath 默认统计上报日志滚动文件
DefaultStatReportLogRotationPath = "/statReport/polaris-statReport.log"
// DefaultDetectLogRotationPath 默认探测日志滚动文件
DefaultDetectLogRotationPath = "/detect/polaris-detect.log"
// DefaultNetworkLogRotationPath 默认网络交互日志滚动文件
DefaultNetworkLogRotationPath = "/network/polaris-network.log"
// DefaultCacheLogRotationPath 默认缓存更新日志滚动文件
DefaultCacheLogRotationPath = "/cache/polaris-cache.log"
// DefaultBaseLogRotationFile 默认基础日志滚动文件全路径
DefaultBaseLogRotationFile = DefaultLogRotationRootDir + DefaultBaseLogRotationPath
// DefaultStatLogRotationFile 默认统计日志滚动文件全路径
DefaultStatLogRotationFile = DefaultLogRotationRootDir + DefaultStatLogRotationPath
// DefaultStatReportLogRotationFile 默认统计上报日志滚动文件全路径
DefaultStatReportLogRotationFile = DefaultLogRotationRootDir + DefaultStatReportLogRotationPath
// DefaultDetectLogRotationFile 默认探测日志滚动文件全路径
DefaultDetectLogRotationFile = DefaultLogRotationRootDir + DefaultDetectLogRotationPath
// DefaultNetworkLogRotationFile 默认网络交互日志滚动文件全路径
DefaultNetworkLogRotationFile = DefaultLogRotationRootDir + DefaultNetworkLogRotationPath
// DefaultCacheLogRotationFile 默认缓存更新日志滚动文件全路径
DefaultCacheLogRotationFile = DefaultLogRotationRootDir + DefaultCacheLogRotationPath