linters-settings: govet: check-shadowing: true gocyclo: min-complexity: 15 maligned: suggest-new: true dupl: threshold: 120 goconst: min-len: 2 min-occurrences: 3 misspell: locale: US lll: line-length: 140 goimports: local-prefixes: gocritic: enabled-tags: - diagnostic - experimental - opinionated - performance - style disabled-checks: - hugeParam - rangeValCopy - exitAfterDefer - whyNoLint - singleCaseSwitch - commentedOutCode - appendAssign - unnecessaryBlock - redundantSprint linters: disable-all: true enable: - dogsled - errcheck - goconst - gocritic - gofmt - goimports - revive - gosec - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - misspell - nakedret - staticcheck - stylecheck - typecheck - unconvert - unparam - unused - whitespace # Do not enable: # - wsl (too opinionated about newlines) # - godox (todos are OK) # - bodyclose (false positives on helper functions) # - prealloc (not worth it in scope of this project) # - maligned (same as prealloc) # - funlen (gocyclo is enough) # - gochecknoglobals (we know when it is ok to use globals) issues: exclude-use-default: false exclude-rules: # Disable linters that are annoying in tests. - path: _test\.go linters: - gocyclo - errcheck - dupl - gosec - funlen - goconst - gocognit - scopelint - lll - path: _test\.go text: "Combine" linters: [gocritic] # Ignore shadowing of err. - linters: [ govet ] text: 'declaration of "(err|ctx|log|c)"' # Ignore linters in main packages. - path: main\.go linters: [ goconst, funlen, gocognit, gocyclo ] - path: _test\.go text: "suspicious identical" linters: [gocritic] - path: _test\.go text: "identical expressions" linters: [staticcheck]