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* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making polaris-go available.
* Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package model
import (
const (
// ContextKeyEngine 主流程引擎的上下文key
// SDK初始化后,会将主流程引擎对象放入上下文中,供插件按需使用
ContextKeyEngine = "engine"
// ContextKeyToken SDK的唯一标识id
ContextKeyToken = "SDKToken"
// ContextKeyPlugins sdkcontext上面的pluginManager
ContextKeyPlugins = "plugins"
// ContextKeyTakeEffectTime sdkContext创建开始时间
ContextKeyTakeEffectTime = "SDKTakeEffectTime"
// ContextKeyFinishInitTime sdkContext创建结束时间
ContextKeyFinishInitTime = "SDKFinishInitTime"
// ContextKeySelfIP sdk bind ip
ContextKeySelfIP = "__sdk_bind_ip__"
// SDKToken sdkContext的唯一标识
type SDKToken struct {
IP string
PID int32
UID string
Client string
Version string
PodName string
HostName string
// LocationInfo 地域信息
type LocationInfo interface {
// GetLocation 获取地域明细
GetLocation() *Location
// GetLastError 在地域信息获取过程中的错误信息
GetLastError() SDKError
// GetStatus 获取地域信息状态
GetStatus() uint32
// IsLocationInitialized 查看地域信息是否已初始化状态
IsLocationInitialized() bool
// IsLocationReady 查看地域信息是否ready状态
IsLocationReady() bool
// ValueContext 用于主流程传递kv数据的上下文对象,线程安全
type ValueContext interface {
// SetValue 设置kv值
SetValue(key string, value interface{})
// GetValue 获取kv值
GetValue(key string) (interface{}, bool)
// GetCurrentLocation 获取当前节点地域信息
GetCurrentLocation() LocationInfo
// GetClientId 获取客户端ID
GetClientId() string
// GetEngine 获取引擎接口
GetEngine() Engine
// WaitLocationInfo 等待location是否达到locationStatus
WaitLocationInfo(ctx context.Context, locationStatus uint32) bool
// SetCurrentLocation 设置当前节点地域信息
// 返回是否由非ready转换为ready
SetCurrentLocation(*Location, SDKError) bool
// Now 获取当前时间戳
Now() time.Time
// Since 计算时间间隔
Since(time.Time) time.Duration
// NewValueContext 创建kv上下文对象
func NewValueContext() ValueContext {
ctx := &valueContext{
coreMap: &sync.Map{},
ctx.clock = clock.GetClock()
locationStatus: LocationInit,
ctx.locationInitializedNotify.Context, ctx.locationInitializedNotify.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
ctx.locationReadyNotify.Context, ctx.locationReadyNotify.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return ctx
const (
// LocationInit 地域信息初始化,未获取到地域信息
LocationInit uint32 = iota
// LocationError 地域信息获取失败,出现异常
// LocationReady 地域信息获取成功
// LocationEmpty 地域信息获取成功,但是是空的,即没有在cmdb上面发现地域信息
// locationInfo 地域信息包装类型,含控制及状态信息
type locationInfo struct {
// 地域详情
location *Location
// 上一次获取失败
lastErr SDKError
// 地域信息状态
locationStatus uint32
// GetLocation 获取地域明细
func (l *locationInfo) GetLocation() *Location {
return l.location
// GetLastError 在地域信息获取过程中的错误信息
func (l *locationInfo) GetLastError() SDKError {
return l.lastErr
// GetStatus 获取地域信息状态
func (l *locationInfo) GetStatus() uint32 {
return l.locationStatus
// IsLocationInitialized 查看地域信息是否已经初始化过
func (l *locationInfo) IsLocationInitialized() bool {
return l.GetStatus() > LocationInit
// IsLocationReady 查看地域信息是否ready状态
func (l *locationInfo) IsLocationReady() bool {
return l.GetStatus() == LocationReady
// contextNotifier 通过context.Done通知一个事件的发生
type contextNotifier struct {
cancel context.CancelFunc
onceNotify sync.Once
// Notify 通知事件发生
func (c *contextNotifier) Notify() {
c.onceNotify.Do(func() {
// valueContext ValueContext的实现类
type valueContext struct {
// 当前地域信息
currentLocation atomic.Value
// 用于查看location是否initialized
locationInitializedNotify contextNotifier
// 用于查看location是否ready
locationReadyNotify contextNotifier
// 当前时间戳,存放类型为*time.Time
currentTimestamp atomic.Value
// 时钟,用于获取当前时间戳
clock clock.Clock
// 使用线程安全的map进行值的存储
coreMap *sync.Map
// WaitLocationInfo 等待地域信息状态
func (v *valueContext) WaitLocationInfo(ctx context.Context, locationStatus uint32) bool {
switch locationStatus {
case LocationInit:
return true
case LocationError:
return v.GetCurrentLocation().GetStatus() == LocationError
case LocationReady:
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false
case <-v.locationReadyNotify.Done():
return true
return false
// SetValue 设置kv值
func (v *valueContext) SetValue(key string, value interface{}) {
v.coreMap.Store(key, value)
// GetValue 获取kv值
func (v *valueContext) GetValue(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
return v.coreMap.Load(key)
// GetCurrentLocation 获取当前节点地域信息
func (v *valueContext) GetCurrentLocation() LocationInfo {
value := v.currentLocation.Load()
return value.(LocationInfo)
// SetCurrentLocation 设置当前节点地域信息
func (v *valueContext) SetCurrentLocation(location *Location, lastErr SDKError) bool {
locInfo := &locationInfo{
location: location,
lastErr: lastErr,
if nil != lastErr {
locInfo.locationStatus = LocationError
} else if location != nil && !location.IsEmpty() {
locInfo.locationStatus = LocationReady
} else {
locInfo.locationStatus = LocationEmpty
lastLocationStatus := v.currentLocation.Load().(LocationInfo).GetStatus()
var becomeReady bool
switch lastLocationStatus {
case LocationReady:
// LocationReady状态,只能接受ready的更新
if locInfo.locationStatus == LocationReady {
becomeReady = false
// 其他2个状态可接受任意更新
becomeReady = locInfo.locationStatus == LocationReady
if becomeReady {
return becomeReady
// Now 获取当前时间戳
func (v *valueContext) Now() time.Time {
return v.clock.Now()
// Since 计算时间间隔
func (v *valueContext) Since(startTime time.Time) time.Duration {
return v.Now().Sub(startTime)
// IsLocationReady 查看地域信息是否ready状态
func (v *valueContext) IsLocationReady() bool {
return v.GetCurrentLocation().IsLocationReady()
// GetClientId 获取客户端ID
func (v *valueContext) GetClientId() string {
tokenValue, ok := v.GetValue(ContextKeyToken)
if !ok {
return ""
sdkToken := tokenValue.(SDKToken)
return sdkToken.UID
// GetEngine 获取客户端ID
func (v *valueContext) GetEngine() Engine {
value, ok := v.GetValue(ContextKeyEngine)
if !ok {
return nil
return value.(Engine)