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* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making polaris-go available.
* Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package plugin
import (
var (
pluginIndex int32
// 插件的接口类型
pluginInterfaceTypes = make(map[common.Type]reflect.Type)
// 插件proxy类型
pluginProxyTypes = make(map[common.Type]reflect.Type)
// 全局插件类型列表,由各插件包注册进来
pluginTypes = make(map[common.Type]map[string]pluginType)
// pluginType 插件类型封装
type pluginType struct {
// 插件ID
pluginId int32
// 插件类型
reflectType reflect.Type
// IsPluginRegistered 检查插件是否已经注册
func IsPluginRegistered(typ common.Type, name string) bool {
var ok bool
var plugins map[string]pluginType
if plugins, ok = pluginTypes[typ]; !ok {
return false
if _, ok = plugins[name]; !ok {
return false
return true
// Supplier 插件提供者
type Supplier interface {
// GetPlugin 获取插件实例
GetPlugin(typ common.Type, name string) (Plugin, error)
// GetPluginById 通过id获取插件实例
GetPluginById(id int32) (Plugin, error)
// GetPluginsByType 获取一个类型的加载了的插件名字
GetPluginsByType(typ common.Type) []string
// GetEventSubscribers 获取插件事件监听器
GetEventSubscribers(event common.PluginEventType) []common.PluginEventHandler
// RegisterEventSubscriber 注册插件事件监听器,必须在Plugin.Init方法中进行,否则会出现并发读写问题
RegisterEventSubscriber(event common.PluginEventType, handler common.PluginEventHandler)
// Manager 插件管理器统一接口
type Manager interface {
// InitPlugins 初始化插件列表
InitPlugins(initContext InitContext, types []common.Type, engine model.Engine, delegate func() error) (err error)
// DestroyPlugins 销毁已初始化的插件列表
DestroyPlugins() (err error)
// StartPlugins 执行已经初始化完毕的插件
StartPlugins() error
// pluginWrapper 插件实例包装类
type pluginWrapper struct {
// 插件唯一标识,与具体插件类型对应
id int32
// 具体插件标识
instance Plugin
// NewPluginManager 创建插件管理器实例
func NewPluginManager() Manager {
return &manager{
plugins: make(map[common.Type]map[string]*pluginWrapper),
eventSubscriber: make(map[common.PluginEventType][]common.PluginEventHandler),
idToPlugins: make(map[int32]Plugin),
// Manager 插件管理器
type manager struct {
plugins map[common.Type]map[string]*pluginWrapper
idToPlugins map[int32]Plugin
eventSubscriber map[common.PluginEventType][]common.PluginEventHandler
// 是否已经初始化,初始化后不允许修改任何数据结构
initialized uint32
// instanceOf 判断是否实现了对应的接口
func instanceOf(value interface{}, interfaceType reflect.Type) bool {
return reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(value).Elem()).Implements(interfaceType)
// checkInterfaceType 检查插件是否实现了对应的插件接口
func checkInterfaceType(plugin Plugin) error {
intfType := pluginInterfaceTypes[plugin.Type()]
if !instanceOf(plugin, intfType) {
return model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodePluginError, nil,
"plugin %s for type %s must implement %s interface", plugin.Name(), plugin.Type(), intfType)
return nil
// RegisterPluginInterface 注册插件接口类型
func RegisterPluginInterface(typ common.Type, plugin interface{}) {
if _, ok := pluginInterfaceTypes[typ]; ok {
// 开发态错误,直接panic以便快速发现问题
panic(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate register for plugin type %s", typ))
pluginInterfaceTypes[typ] = reflect.TypeOf(plugin).Elem()
// RegisterPluginProxy 注册插件proxy类型
func RegisterPluginProxy(typ common.Type, proxy PluginProxy) {
if _, ok := pluginProxyTypes[typ]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate register for plugin proxy type %s", typ))
pluginProxyTypes[typ] = reflect.TypeOf(proxy).Elem()
// RegisterPlugin 注册插件到全局配置对象,插件名重复则返回错误
func RegisterPlugin(plugin Plugin) {
RegisterConfigurablePlugin(plugin, nil)
// RegisterConfigurablePlugin 注册插件到全局配置对象,并注册插件配置类型
func RegisterConfigurablePlugin(plugin Plugin, cfg config.BaseConfig) {
if err := checkInterfaceType(plugin); err != nil {
// 插件注册失败则直接panic,让用户直接感知
name := plugin.Name()
typ := plugin.Type()
plugs, exists := pluginTypes[typ]
if !exists {
plugs = make(map[string]pluginType)
pluginTypes[typ] = plugs
pluginIdx := atomic.AddInt32(&pluginIndex, 1)
plugs[name] = pluginType{
pluginId: pluginIdx,
reflectType: reflect.TypeOf(plugin).Elem(),
config.RegisterPluginConfigType(typ, name, cfg)
// createPlugin 反射创建插件
func createPlugin(typ reflect.Type) Plugin {
value := reflect.New(typ).Interface()
return value.(Plugin)
// createPluginProxy 创建插件proxy
func createPluginProxy(typ common.Type) PluginProxy {
t := pluginProxyTypes[typ]
value := reflect.New(t).Interface()
return value.(PluginProxy)
// InitPlugins 初始化所有已注册插件
func (m *manager) InitPlugins(
ctx InitContext, types []common.Type, engine model.Engine, delegateInit func() error) (err error) {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&m.initialized) > 0 {
return model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodeInvalidStateError, nil, "manager has been initialized")
pluginSlice := make([]*pluginWrapper, 0, len(types)*2)
for _, typ := range types {
plugs, ok := pluginTypes[typ]
if !ok {
err := model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodePluginError, nil,
"InitPlugins: invalid plugin type %v", typ)
fmt.Printf("%+v %+v %+v", types, pluginTypes, err)
return m.cleanupWhenError(err)
plugInstances, ok := m.plugins[typ]
if !ok {
plugInstances = make(map[string]*pluginWrapper, 0)
m.plugins[typ] = plugInstances
for _, plugClazz := range plugs {
plug := createPlugin(plugClazz.reflectType)
// if !pluginNames.Contains(plug.Name()) {
// continue
// }
proxy := createPluginProxy(typ)
proxy.SetRealPlugin(plug, engine)
if !plug.IsEnable(ctx.Config) {
wrapper := &pluginWrapper{
id: plugClazz.pluginId,
instance: proxy,
plugInstances[proxy.Name()] = wrapper
pluginSlice = append(pluginSlice, wrapper)
// 初始化必须保持有序
for _, plug := range pluginSlice {
ctx.PluginIndex = plug.id
err = plug.instance.Init(&ctx)
if err != nil {
return m.cleanupWhenError(model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodePluginError, err,
"InitPlugins: fail to init plugin name %v:%s", plug.instance.Type(), plug.instance.Name()))
m.idToPlugins[plug.id] = plug.instance
"Initialized plugin type %v, name %s, id %d",
plug.instance.Type(), plug.instance.Name(), ctx.PluginIndex)
if err = delegateInit(); err != nil {
return m.cleanupWhenError(model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodePluginError, err,
"InitPlugins: fail to init delegate"))
atomic.StoreUint32(&m.initialized, 1)
return nil
// StartPlugins 启动所有插件
func (m *manager) StartPlugins() error {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&m.initialized) == 0 {
return model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodeInvalidStateError, nil, "manager has not been initialized")
var err error
startedPlugins := model.HashSet{}
for id, plug := range m.idToPlugins {
if err = plug.Start(); err != nil {
log.GetBaseLogger().Errorf("fail to start plugin %s, err is %v", plug.Name(), err)
if err != nil && len(startedPlugins) > 0 {
// 回滚所有插件
for idValue := range startedPlugins {
_ = m.idToPlugins[idValue.(int32)].Destroy()
return err
// cleanupWhenError 清理插件初始化结果,并返回输入错误
func (m *manager) cleanupWhenError(sdkErr model.SDKError) error {
if nil == sdkErr {
return nil
if len(m.plugins) == 0 {
return sdkErr
for typ, plugInstances := range m.plugins {
if len(plugInstances) == 0 {
for name, plugInst := range plugInstances {
if err := plugInst.instance.Destroy(); err != nil {
log.GetBaseLogger().Errorf("fail to destroy plugin %v:%s, err %v", typ, name, err)
return sdkErr
// DestroyPlugins 销毁已初始化的插件列表
func (m *manager) DestroyPlugins() (errs error) {
var err error
for typ, plugs := range m.plugins {
for name, plug := range plugs {
err = plug.instance.Destroy()
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err,
fmt.Sprintf("DestroyPlugins: plugin %v:%s error, ", typ, name)))
if errs != nil {
return model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodePluginError, errs, "DestroyPlugins: plugins destroy errors")
return nil
// GetPlugin 获取插件
func (m *manager) GetPlugin(typ common.Type, name string) (Plugin, error) {
plugins, exists := m.plugins[typ]
if !exists {
return nil, model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodePluginError, nil,
"GetPlugin: invalid plugin type %v", typ)
plug, exists := plugins[name]
if !exists {
return nil, model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodeAPIInvalidConfig, nil,
"GetPlugin: plugin name %s not registered", name)
return plug.instance, nil
// GetPluginsByType 获取一个类型的加载的插件名字
func (m *manager) GetPluginsByType(typ common.Type) []string {
var res []string
plugins, exists := m.plugins[typ]
if !exists {
return res
for k := range plugins {
res = append(res, k)
return res
// GetPluginById 通过id获取插件
func (m *manager) GetPluginById(id int32) (Plugin, error) {
plugin, exists := m.idToPlugins[id]
if !exists {
return nil, model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodePluginError, nil, "GetPluginById: not registered plugin id %d", id)
return plugin, nil
// GetPluginId 获取插件
func GetPluginId(typ common.Type, name string) (int32, error) {
plugs, exists := pluginTypes[typ]
if !exists {
return 0, model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodePluginError, nil,
"GetPlugin: invalid plugin type %v", typ)
plug, exists := plugs[name]
if !exists {
return 0, model.NewSDKError(model.ErrCodeAPIInvalidConfig, nil,
"GetPlugin: plugin name %s not registered", name)
return plug.pluginId, nil
// GetPluginCount 获取某个类型下注册的插件数量
func GetPluginCount(typ common.Type) int {
plugs := pluginTypes[typ]
return len(plugs)
// RegisterEventSubscriber 注册事件回调函数
func (m *manager) RegisterEventSubscriber(event common.PluginEventType, handler common.PluginEventHandler) {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&m.initialized) > 0 {
panic("manager has initialized")
if handlers, ok := m.eventSubscriber[event]; ok {
handlers = append(handlers, handler)
m.eventSubscriber[event] = handlers
handlers := make([]common.PluginEventHandler, 0)
handlers = append(handlers, handler)
m.eventSubscriber[event] = handlers
// GetEventSubscribers 注册事件回调函数
func (m *manager) GetEventSubscribers(event common.PluginEventType) []common.PluginEventHandler {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&m.initialized) == 0 {
panic("manager has not initialized")
return m.eventSubscriber[event]
// InitContext 用于插件初始化的上下文对象
type InitContext struct {
Config config.Configuration
Plugins Supplier
ValueCtx model.ValueContext
ConnManager network.ConnectionManager
PluginIndex int32
SDKContextID string
// //插件ID
// type IdAwarePlugin interface {
// Plugin
// //插件标识
// ID() int32
// }
// Plugin 所有插件的基础接口
type Plugin interface {
// Type 插件类型
Type() common.Type
// ID 插件id
ID() int32
// GetSDKContextID 返回插件所属的sdkContext的uuid
GetSDKContextID() string
// Name 插件名,一个类型下插件名唯一
Name() string
// Init 初始化插件
Init(ctx *InitContext) error
// Start 启动插件,对于需要依赖外部资源,以及启动协程的操作,在Start方法里面做
Start() error
// Destroy 销毁插件,可用于释放资源
Destroy() error
// IsEnable 插件是否启用
IsEnable(cfg config.Configuration) bool
// PluginBase Plugin Base
type PluginBase struct {
pluginIndex int32
sdkID string
// Type 插件类型
func (b *PluginBase) Type() common.Type {
return common.TypePluginBase
// Name 返回插件名
func (b *PluginBase) Name() string {
return common.TypePluginBase.String()
// Init init
func (b *PluginBase) Init(ctx *InitContext) error {
b.pluginIndex = ctx.PluginIndex
b.sdkID = ctx.SDKContextID
return nil
// ID 插件id
func (b *PluginBase) ID() int32 {
return b.pluginIndex
// GetSDKContextID 获取所属sdkContext的uuid
func (b *PluginBase) GetSDKContextID() string {
return b.sdkID
// Destroy 销毁插件
func (b *PluginBase) Destroy() error {
return nil
// Start 启动插件
func (b *PluginBase) Start() error {
// do nothing
return nil
// NewPluginBase 创建pluginbase
func NewPluginBase(ctx *InitContext) *PluginBase {
res := &PluginBase{}
_ = res.Init(ctx)
return res
// PluginProxy Plugin的代理
type PluginProxy interface {
SetRealPlugin(plugin Plugin, engine model.Engine)
// IsEnable is enable
func (b *PluginBase) IsEnable(cfg config.Configuration) bool {
return true